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Day: August 1, 2019

“Male and Female Created He Them”

There are statements in the Bible that we often gloss over and even wonder why they are there. It seems to say something that is so obvious, who would question such an obvious truth? The above quotation from Genesis 1:27 is one of those statements. Isn’t there a universal unanimity that God made men and women, and that’s the way it is?

However, one of the things that I have learned in a new and fresh way is that “ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and IS PROFITABLE” (2 Timothy 3:16). Believe it or not there are some people—and their number is growing worldwide—who think that “male and female” is just a suggestion. They believe it’s not biology that matters, but one’s perception—“Anatomically I’m a boy but I won’t be happy until my anatomy matches my feelings. I need to transition!”

Senseless Mutilation or Needful Therapy?

If you were a surgeon and someone asked you to cut off a perfectly healthy arm or leg because that individual feels that it is terribly “wrong” for that arm or leg to be there, and his psychiatrist said that individual would be better adjusted if that offending limb were removed, would you perform the requested surgery? That individual’s psychiatrist even warned that if you did not remove that body part that individual might be forced to commit suicide.

There is a mental condition known as Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). People who struggle with it feel they are not supposed to have a certain part of their body. “As a general rule,” writes John Haskins for, “doctors won’t remove a healthy body part; so these poor deluded people crush, mangle, burn, or otherwise deliberately destroy their own arms or legs in order to get a surgeon to slice them off.”

To make the question a little more relevant to what follows in this piece—Supposing you are a surgeon and the person who is going to have the body part removed is a minor child. You have been told by the mother who wants you to cut off this perfectly healthy body part, that this child has told her some things that would lead her to conclude that the presence of this body part is causing emotional distress. She is a pediatrician and certainly “knows best.” Would you remove this healthy body part?

Stranger Than Fiction—But Tragically Real

Jeff Younger has two sons, James and Jude. Jeff is particularly concerned about James. Jeff’s ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, MD, a pediatrician in Dallas, Texas, affiliated with Dallas Children’s Hospital, began dressing James as a girl when he was three. She began to call James by the name Luna and began taking him to therapy with a gender-transition therapist and enrolled him in school as a “girl.” In school James/Luna uses the girls’ bathroom and is known by teachers and staff as one of the “girls.”

Georgulas, James’s mother, is seeking to terminate the parental rights of James’ father, Jeff Younger, because the child behaves as a boy—his biological sex—when he is with his father. Younger almost ended up in jail because he took James to the barbershop where he got his son a boys’ haircut. Georgulas also wants Younger to pay for their son’s counseling with a therapist who will affirm his transgender identity, and for transgender hormonal treatments which may begin at age eight. Breitbart states that Younger is shocked and stated, “Few things are more important to people than the care and rearing of their young. The courts are entertaining government suppression of some of the most fundamental practices and traditions of American families.” In a phone interview, Younger told this author that there are 250 children in Texas who are currently awaiting to be “transitioned.”

The court has prohibited James’ father from dressing him as a boy or from sharing Bible-based and biologically-based scientific teachings on sexuality, even though family friends who have observed James when he is in his father’s care affirm that he dresses and behaves as a boy by his own choosing.

James is currently being socially transitioned by Georgulas—wearing a dress, being called by a female name—but in two years he will begin a regimen of chemical transitioning and “chemical castration.” Medical research suggests that hormone blockers can cause serious damage including permanent sterility and bone density issues, just to name a few. However, since science doesn’t seem to matter to these people, science is “irrelevant” and will not be used to halt a destructive ideology.

The website cites a Journal of Medicine study that shows: “Puberty blocker chemical castration is an ineffective treatment for gender dysphoria. None of the children who were chemically castrated got better. In fact, they got worse and moved on to surgical transition.” In other words, they were castrated. People who are pushing transgenderism don’t like to use the word “castration.” They know it’s a red flag. However, in my research for this piece, transitioning leaves the individual dissatisfied and troubled with his/her biological gender. The only thing that will produce a measure of relief is castration, or breast removal in the case of teen girls.

For readers who want to learn more about where the transgender craze is taking us, and how it is tragically impacting lives in Texas at the present time, please refer to This website is extensive, and contains medical reports, resources, and testimony, and also a “donate” button for those who wish to help Jeffrey Younger with the immense legal fees he is facing in his attempt to save his son.

There are several links to additional resources which provide medical testimony that not a single long-term study supports risky medical interventions that are being contemplated for James. Girls may have their breasts removed at age 13 and their uterus at 16. Teen boys are having their male parts removed after their sixteenth birthday.

Disappointed By Transitioning

Walt Heyer, who transitioned and formally identified as a woman but has detransitioned and now provides support to people who regret their sex change, knows firsthand what it feels like to want to be a woman. It’s not just his own story he knows but has received correspondence from hundreds of men and women who realized their transition wasn’t delivering all that it promised, and actually caused additional problems.

In his book, Trans Life Survivors, Heyer writes that “a questionable diagnosis locks a vulnerable child into an alternate gender identity long before they can understand what is happening or where it might lead. It’s up to the adults to observe the child carefully, consider and question the grey areas, and ultimately guard innocent children against hasty diagnoses and conclusions about something as fundamental a their gender identity.” 

Satan’s Devastating War On The Mind

The human mind is a beautiful creation of God, but easily swayed. The power of suggestion has been demonstrated many times over. The eating disorders with which teen girls struggle occur in clusters of girls and their friends, showing gender confusion often comes not from within, but from without. Predictably, gender confusion is an outgrowth of gay activism. Once they attempted to redefine marriage, they also rendered gender meaningless within marriage, since for them marriage was no longer the union of a man and a woman but the union of any two people. Sadly, once gender is meaningless within marriage, you render gender meaningless within society.

Have you ever been surprised at how many strange ideas are now being offered as the solution to all of our problems, nonsensical ideas causing a multitude of unwanted consequences, ideas that are now being sanctioned by the so-called intellectual elite? We can name a few such as open borders, voting rights for non-citizens, sanctuary cities and states that invite criminals—and now a court that is forcing a father to pay for his son’s transitioning—the new meme seems to be, “Hate thy body. Biology doesn’t matter.” 

Young people who are no longer taught that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) have a bizarre idea, and that idea is nurtured and fed and encouraged to come out of the misty shadows of fantasy to become their new reality. Indeed, “the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

This culture shift into madness gives a deeper insight in what it means to be saved. Salvation is not only deliverance from hell—though we must never diminish the significance of that!—but salvation also means getting plugged in to reality.

Reality is knowing, first, that you are a sinner hopelessly lost for time and eternity; second, you need God’s help NOW! Third, you are not “god” and don’t decide what is right and wrong; fourth, if left on your own and not enlightened by the Holy Spirit you will live a totally confused and miserable existence; fifth, God is long-suffering and unbelievably patient and gracious, but a day is coming when His wrath will be revealed and nothing will stop it. You are plugged into reality when you cry out, “Lord, what must I do to be saved?” and receive the gift of salvation that is freely offered to all (Ephesians 2:8–9).

Please check out the website Pray for James and his father Jeff Younger, and for all the others, and for the millions of boys and girls who are in great danger. The battle that is not fought is always lost.

History is replete with medical insanities. Frontal lobotomies to treat mental illness. Forced sterilization to control “undesirable” people groups. The infamous Tuskegee Experiment. Cruel, indefensible, unscientific, unethical medical procedures were performed for years. The screams of the victims still echo in the corridors of time. Why did it take so long for the termination of these barbaric procedures? 

America: The New Tower of Babel?

Since the account in the Garden of Eden we have seen that mankind, left to self-determination, will eventually gravitate to his own devices. The story of the rebellion of man against God has been the narrative since Eden. Eden, the Flood, and the story of the Tower of Babel have much in common. In each case, the plot and outcome have been the same. First, man through his rebellion has tried to become as gods, and the end result was God’s removing them from their place and punishing them for their efforts. Rejection of God is an act of independence from divine intervention (Genesis 2–4).

In all three cases, satanic and demonic influence and possession were present. In the Garden, the serpent (Satan) himself challenged the authority of God and convinced the couple that they could become as gods and not answerable to their Creator. Although Eve was the principle target, Adam was at her side and we read of no objections. This event involved all of human creation, Adam and Eve. The result was that the pair were ejected from the Garden and the sentence of death entered the world. The first fulfillment of this sentence was the murder of their second son, Abel, by his older brother Cain. But He gave mankind another chance.

About 1,642 years later, we come to the narrative of the Flood. The demonic activity in the “sons of God” (fallen angels) once again defied the Lord God and led in another rebellion. We read in Genesis 6:5–6: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart.” The sin nature that began as a penalty in the Garden now had come to full fruition. The sentence for this wanton universal sin was complete destruction of mankind and all creation by Flood. But He gave mankind and His creation another chance. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. … Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:8–9) God’s reprieve started over with only eight people.

It took mankind only about 600 years to recoup after the Flood and once again defy God. According to Archbishop Ussher, the Tower of Babel existed approximately in the year 2242 b.c. The tower existed when there was only one language. We read in Genesis 11:1: “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” We don’t know exactly what that language was, but some believe it to be Hebrew. However, once again mankind defied God’s command of Genesis 9:1: “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” They were in violation of God’s orders to spread out and cover the earth.

The leader of the rebellion at this time was Nimrod, “the mighty hunter before the Lord” (Genesis 10:8). Nimrod was the son of Cush, the son of Ham, and the grandson of Noah. His kingdom was in the land of Shinar, or Babylon. Babylon is located in the land of present-day Iraq. Nimrod knew he was in direct violation of God’s command to replenish the earth. I believe that this is another proof of a universal flood. The word “replenish” would indicate that there were people all over the world and they died in the flood. The people then devised a plan to stay together and retain one language. 

“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). In verses 5–8, God forced the people to obey His word to replenish the whole earth by scattering them. The method He used was to confound their language. Today there are over 3,000 languages and dialects. Different languages have kept people from regrouping for thousands of years until the last few centuries. God has not abrogated His work of Genesis 10, but mankind under the leadership of Satan is bringing the world back full-circle to a new Tower of Babel. 

There are at least four different areas that must be met in order to reestablish a new Tower of Babel. Those are language, location, religion, and leadership. In order to communicate and do business, there must be a common language. There is one language that I have found works in most of the world. In my meager travels, I have never had a problem communicating with people from China to the Cappadocia in Central Turkey. There are those that speak English most proficiently, whether it is in rural shops or major hotels. I have actually been asked if J. R. really lived in Dallas. While there are only five countries where English is the official language, it is spoken in most countries. 

English is the global language when it comes to business and finance. The primary language of communication is English. In the airline industry, all communications over the air such as information and instructions are required to be in English globally. According to the British Council, “English is the world’s common language. English has come of age as a global language” (

Next is a location accessible to all peoples. On October 24, 1945, representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco “to form an organization that would promote peaceful coexistence and worldwide cooperation known as the United Nations (U.N.).” It replaced the League of Nations, because it failed to prevent wars. Since then, the U.N. has done a wonderful job of preventing wars—there are dozens of wars and conflicts raging around the globe as you read this article.

The United Nations organization is located in the Secretariat Building, New York City, New York, USA. “The first 450 U.N. employees started working at the Secretariat Building on August 22, 1950. The United Nations officially moved into the Secretariat Building on January 8, 1951, by which time 3,300 employees occupied the building” ( New York City seems to be the world’s choice location for many reasons, including someone to foot the bill—America.

“In 2015, seventy years after their original rights-based document, the U.N. took a giant step towards the global government that was only hinted at in their first organizing document. They issued a document entitled ‘Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’ This document has 91 numbered sections of the U.N.’s program for world government. The UDHR is only referenced once in the entire document in Article 19. Unlike the original ‘mother document’ that was under 1900 words, this document is 14,883 words. The 91 items are addressing issues under the five headings of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. Additionally, the document provides 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to improve life on the planet” ( All this decided on American soil and includes America. New York City is the ideal location for the Tower of Babel—of late The Twin Towers. 

Next of importance is religion. The religion of the Tower of Babel was the same as that which is presented by Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12–14: “I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; and I will be like the most High.” When sin entered the world, independence from God became the catalyst for all rebellion whether it be called atheistic or some other form of self-direction. Even in many churches today, self-help is preached instead of God-help, and that we are able to redirect creation or human nature without God’s help. This was the goal of the United Nations Charter, which does not mention God in its preamble and has only grown farther away from the will of God.

The United Nations is all about how man can achieve peace and prosperity, and determine its own destiny without God’s help. The preamble begins with, “WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED” without one word about needing God. This is the religion of the Tower of Babel.

The last area needed for the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel, is leadership. The current secretary-general of the United Nations is Antonio Guterres from Portugal. He is the ninth which serves a five-year term. The beginning of the Tribulation Period will see a new world ruler that will serve a seven-year term. His kingdom will also cover the entire earth and his rule will be final and brutal. This rule will be his answer to his own five wills listed in Isaiah 14:12–14. Scripture speaks of a person that will enter upon the scene and present a solution to all the world’s problems and enforce peace upon mankind such as the United Nations charter calls for. 

I believe this will take place immediately after the Rapture of the saints by Christ. The Antichrist will no doubt have to explain first of all what happened to the Christians and calm the chaos that will surely follow. With the removal of the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit, as noted in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, there will be nothing to restrain him from fulfilling the purpose of the Tower of Babel. Some believe that he will be the reincarnation of Nimrod, the original leader of Babel. The organization is already in place for him to begin to take over—the United Nations. Will the United Nations become the new Tower of Babel and complete Satan’s quest to rule? Paul gives us a warning concerning this event in 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4: “ Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all this is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” He will be Satan’s leadership.