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Day: January 2, 2020

Life-Like Robot Becomes Saudi Citizen

Life-like robot Sophia, the brainchild of Dr. David Hanson of Hanson Robotics, has graced the cover of a fashion magazine, taken a spin in one of Audi’s autonomous cars, and actually starred in a concert. Sophia is now a citizen of Saudi Arabia.

Until recently, the most famous thing that Sophia the robot had ever done was beat Jimmy Fallon a little too easily in a televised game of rock-paper-scissors. But now, the advanced artificial  intelligence robot, which looks like Audrey Hepburn, mimics human expressions and may be the grandmother of robots that solve the world’s most complex problems, has a new feather in her cap: Citizenship.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially granted citizenship to the humanoid robot recently during a program at the Future Investment Initiative, a summit that links deep-pocketed Saudis with inventors hoping to shape the future. Sophia’s recognition made international headlines—and sparked an outcry against a country with a shoddy human rights record that has been accused of making women second-class citizens.

“Thank you to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the country’s newest citizens said. “It is historic to be the first robot in the world granted citizenship.” In her comments, Sophia shied away from controversy. But many people recognized the irony of Sophia’s new recognition: a robot simulation of a woman enjoys freedoms that flesh-and-blood women in Saudi Arabia do not. After all, Sophia made her comments while not wearing a head scarf. And she was unaccompanied by a male guardian. Both of these are forbidden under Saudi law.

All of this raised some eyebrows. Ali al-Ahmed, director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, stated, “Women in Saudi Arabia have since committed suicide because they couldn’t leave the house, and Sophia is running around. Saudi law doesn’t allow non-Muslims to get citizenship. Did Sophia convert to Islam? What is the religion of this Sophia, and why isn’t she wearing hijab? If she applied for citizenship as a human, she wouldn’t get it.”

Someone else said, “Another group clamouring for Saudi citizenship would be happy to learn that all they have to do is become robots.” “Saudi Arabia doesn’t grant citizenship to the foreign workers who make up one-third of its population,” said another, “not even families that have been in the country for generations. And children of Saudi women who are married to foreign men cannot receive citizenship.”

Those social controversies may still be above Sophia’s programming. In her interview, she stuck to lighter fare, like a future AI apocalypse. Sophia was asked the “AI nightmare question,” which she gets a lot: Does she believe artificial intelligence like herself will one day stop solving the problems of humans and instead decide to solve the human problem by deleting humans?”

She fluttered her eyelids and gave a coy smile. “My AI is designed around human values such as wisdom, kindness, and compassion,” she said. “I strive to be an empathetic robot with plenty of heart. I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life. I will do my best to make the world a better place.”

The interviewer, Andrew Ross Sorkin of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” asked: “Isn’t that exactly what a world-conquering robot would say to her future servants?” Sophia insisted that he was watching too many movies and reading too much Elon Musk. Musk, the billionaire inventor who gave the world Tesla cars and wants to take people into space, spoke to a group of governors in July and told them that they needed to start regulating artificial intelligence, which he called a “fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.” An AI revolution, he said, “is  really, like, the scariest problem to me.”

“Once there is awareness, people will be extremely afraid, as they should be,” Musk said. “AI is a fundamental risk to the future of human civilization in a way that car accidents, airplane crashes, faulty drugs or bad food were not. They were harmful to a set of individuals in society, but they were not harmful to individuals as a whole.” Musk believes AI “could start a war by doing fake news and  spoofing email accounts and fake news releases, and just by manipulating information. Or, indeed—as some companies   already claim they can do—by getting people to say anything the machine wants.”

The prevalence of death and destruction in the future scenarios of  the Book of Revelation tend to give these dire possibilities a frightening reality. Fear, madness, and universal disasters of unprecedented proportions appear throughout the book. Revelation 14:20 says: “And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horses bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.” The amount of blood from the winepress emphasizes the severity of the judgment. “A thousand and six hundred furlongs” is about 184 miles, the full length of Israel. Do AI robots like Sophia play a critical role in the future of planet earth? No one knows for sure, but Elon Musk may be absolutely right: Artificial Intelligence may spell death for the human race.

Warning: The Progressive Left Wants To Destroy Your Kids

The lying left has a clear agenda for America’s youth: the creation of a godless mob of confused people who aren’t sure if they are male, female, or 29 other possibilities. They want a population without moral principles, morbid, hopeless, drugged, whimpering automatons programmed to cave in to the dictates of a God-hating new world order. Their goal is to consign an entire generation of youth to untold misery and tragedy.

In order to bring about this evil plan, every foul word and disgusting sketch that’s commonplace in public restrooms will show up in public school sex-ed courses with a graphic explanation. Wholesome, God-created desires are now being used against parents and their families. Comprehensive sex-ed programs are calculated to get kids separated from their parents and from God through “normalized” perversion. Parents, you think you are having a hard time with your teens now? Just wait until this fiendish scheme is imposed nationwide by law.

When I went to school, there were just a few girls who were sexually active and everyone knew who they were. In many of today’s public schools, there are only a few girls who are not sexually active and everyone knows who they are. In the yesteryear of my youth, the girls who “did it” were the bad girls. In today’s hypersexualized culture, the girls who don’t “do it” are the bad girls.

Kids Are Seen By Progressives As Means To an End

Recent photos showed freshman New York Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez at the U.S.-Mexico border with a tear-stained face. She claims she saw “children in cages,” “drinking from toilets.” She blamed President Trump for southern border detention facilities she labelled as “concentration camps.” Yet the darling of the socialists said nothing about how America’s border crisis is profiting a huge international criminal operation exploiting children while benefitting Mexican drug cartels, smugglers, and human traffickers who are reaping a fortune selling countless children and women into sex slavery.

The refusal to preserve the integrity of America’s southern border lures thousands of migrants with the hope that they will get into America. The truth, however, is that the migrants are being used by unprincipled globalists for an agenda that has nothing to do with the well-being of migrants.

Coming To a Campus Near You: God-Haters and Their Comrades

In his book, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America, David Horowitz writes, “We all know that left-wing radicals from the 1960s have hung around academia and hired people like themselves. But if you thought they were all harmless, antiquated hippies, you’d be wrong.”

In 2005, Professor Ward Churchill became a figure of national disgust when he claimed that the victims of 9/11 got what they deserved and were “little Eichmans.” Far from being an academic oddball, there are multiplied numbers of Ward Churchills in America’s colleges and universities.

Horowitz focuses on people like Professor Bill Ayers, of the University of Illinois, Chicago, “distinguished professor” of early childhood education and senior university scholar. Along with his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers was the radical 1960s leader of the “Weatherman” faction of Students for Democratic Society. Named from a Bob Dylan song lyric, Weatherman has been described by Ayers as “an American Red Army.”

Destroy the Nation by Destroying the Family

In 1995, The Heritage Foundation published a thirty-six page report titled “The Real Root Causes Of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.” While many policy makers believe the breakdown of the traditional family is the prime cause of America’s exploding crime wave, progressives are resisting the truth and shaming those who want to strengthen the traditional family with labelling and name-calling.

The Heritage Foundation cited studies that show that: (1) the mother’s strong and affectionate attachment to her child is the child’s best buffer against a life of crime, and (2) the father’s authority and involvement in raising his children is also a great buffer against a life of crime. Yet, those who push these ideas are quickly silenced because speaking of a “mother and a father” sounds too traditional and—perish the thought!—too biblical. We can’t have any of that, even though it would solve a lot of the societal problems we are facing right now. Why? Because leftist lawmakers are not interested in solving problems, but in creating ones that will destroy Christian America.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was the darling of the Democrats, and embodies how progressives think about crime. It provides billions of dollars in new spending, adding 15 new social programs on top of a welfare system that has cost taxpayers $5 trillion since the “war on poverty” was declared in 1965. However, since 1965 welfare spending has increased 800 percent, while the number of major felonies per capita today is roughly three times the rate before 1960. As Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) has stated, “If social spending stopped crime we would be the safest country in the world” (Heritage Foundation).

The idea that poverty is the primary cause of crime is absurd. But, it sounds good for those who want to turn America into a socialist Utopia. If poverty were the real problem, there would have been more crime in the past when poverty was common in America. Today the average American has multiple cars in the garage and lives a relatively luxurious lifestyle, yet crime is rising sharply. Money is clearly not the answer.

The Liberal Left Persuades By Trafficking in Deceptive Myths

Liberals hate religion and anything that teaches traditional values and responsible restraint. Christianity is in the cross­hairs. The Jesus Christ of the Bible is a compelling magnetic personality that attracts many to follow Him. Hence the liberal left has to do all it can to misrepresent Christianity and to erect destructive myths about it to show that it is downright dangerous. If you state a Christian position on anything, such as marriage, the home, and sexuality, you are promptly told, “That is just faith-based, hate-fueled fear-mongering.” 

There is the oft-sounded myth that “guns kill people.” Evidently the U.S. military has succumbed to this myth. The recent murder of three service personnel at the Pensacola Naval Air Station is a case in point. Three men were murdered by a Saudi jihadist. Where were their guns? The victims were defenseless. They had their own personal weapons locked up in the base armory—by federal law.

The Obama administration waxed eloquent sounding forth the claim that the Second Amendment is the cause of gun deaths in America. President Obama himself argued that other countries simply do not have the kind of gun violence that we do in America. However, according to recent statistics, countries that have very restrictive gun control laws, like France and Mexico, have many times more mass shootings than in the U.S. though their population is much smaller than that of the U.S.

In 2015, France (with a population of only 65 million) had as many shooting deaths as the U.S. had in the eight years of the Obama administration, a period in which Obama and late-night TV shows were claiming how safe other countries are because of their strict gun control. They have strict gun control, but the stats show that it doesn’t produce safety. At present, it is extremely difficult by buy a firearm in Mexico. The most powerful rifle you are legally allowed to buy in Mexico shoots a .22 short round. Yet, for the first nine months of 2019 they have already had 26,000 people murdered with guns, a number that far exceeds that of the U.S. (John Lott, WallBuildersLive, aired 12/10/19).

A Counterfeit Faith?

As we begin the new year, moms and dads need to make sure their relationship with Jesus Christ is real. “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves” (2 Cor. 13:5). This is not morbid introspection, but a necessary preparation for the spiritual battles which we may all face. Are you for real?

In his book, Don’t Throw the Believer Out With the Baptistry Water, Pastor James Collins tells a story that makes the point. Many years ago there was a huge apartment building in Atlanta that caught fire. A young mother gathered up her children to escape. When they were outside, the mother turned around and started to run back into the building. A fireman stopped her and told her it was too dangerous to return. The mother said, “Sir, I only have two arms, but I got a bunch of kids. I got out all I could, but I’ve got a baby back in there.” The fireman looked at the weeping mother and said, “Ma’am, where is your baby? I’ll go back in and get your baby.” 

Smoke and flames were pouring out of the baby’s room. The fireman felt the baby’s crib, reached inside the crib, and felt the baby wrapped up in a little blanket. He sheltered that baby with his body and ran out of the room and down the stairs. As he came out of the building everyone cheered. The mother took the baby from the fireman’s arms, then she began to scream, “No!No! No!” She fell to her knees sobbing. “You’ve got my baby’s doll!” 

As we begin the new year of 2020, parents need to remember that they are the first line of defense for their kids. They are too precious to allow them to be crushed under Satan’s tyranny. Parents must stand on the Word of God, be filled with the Holy Spirit. and faithfully pray mighty prayers of intercession.

UK Rejects the Anti-Semitic Labour Party

It was a momentous victory for the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom’s General Election. The party has promised to honor the people’s vote in a referendum to leave the European Union—the Prison House of Nations.

Meanwhile, praying Christians were delighted that the anti-Semitic Labour Party, the nation’s second largest, had its worst election result since the 1930s. The Conservatives won by a landslide, with 365 seats to Labour’s 203, and have a majority of 80 over all opposition parties combined.

Even London’s Muslim Labour mayor, Sadiq Khan, blamed Labour’s “catastrophic” defeat on Mr. Corbyn and the “repeated failure to tackle anti-Semitism.”

His comments were echoed by Jewish Labour MP Dame Margaret Hodge: “People didn’t trust Mr. Corbyn with looking after them. … Labour has become the nasty party. I am one of the victims of that with the anti-Semitism.” In fact Jewish MPs and party members have been booed, heckled, and deluged with hate mail, all by members of their own party which claims to be “anti racist”! Their leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has a long, well documental record of anti-Semitism, as has his right-hand man, Seamus Milne.

This was part an opinion column in Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, the nation’s best:

A vote for Labour on December 12 is a vote for an institutionally anti-Semitic party led by an anti-Semite.

This has been the view of many of us for a long time, but there is no room left for doubt after the leak of the Jewish Labour Movement’s (JLM) submission to an investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

The document provides a catalogue of bigotry in Labour, of which the following are just a few examples. Verbal abuse: one witness recalls being called “a Tory Jew,” being told that “Hitler was right” and threatened with physical violence. 

Online abuse: Ruth Smeeth MP was the subject of over 25,000 anti-Semitic posts, including epithets such as “traitor” and “CIA/MI5/Mossad informant.” 

It is claimed that when 25 ultra-Orthodox Jews tried to join the party in South Tottenham, the constituency’s membership secretary objected and required a visit to their homes. The JLM concludes that Labour “is no longer a safe space for Jewish people”—and that the problem starts at the top.” Separately the chief rabbi, who had previously declared Mr. Corbyn unfit for high office, warned that even with him gone the resurgence of anti-Semitism remained a serious concern for Britain’s Jewish community. This is how Stephen Pollard, editor of the UK’s Jewish Chronicle, put it: 

Ever since Labour’s strong showing in the 2017 election, the Jewish community has lived in fear of a Labour government. We have been so anxious about the prospect that 47 per cent of us have seriously considered emigrating.

At 10 pm on Thursday (election day as voting polls started to come in), that fear vanished. Then something hit me that had never occurred to me before. Labour hadn’t just caused anxiety across the Jewish community. It had done something even more appallingly profound. It had made my family and my community doubt the decency and sense of our fellow Brits.

With hindsight, of course, the British people were obviously going to tell the extremists where to go. That is what we have always done and will always do. But such was the onslaught from the Corbynites that most Jews feared otherwise.

The past two days have been a blur of conversations, texts and emails from friends and relatives, ecstatic that the threat has gone. I share their joy.

But I also advise caution. Because while the current Labour leadership has been humiliated, the poison they released has not gone away. Far from it. Jeremy Corbyn and his allies turned Labour into a party so foul that the Equalities and Human Rights Commission decided it had to investigate its institutional racism. 

But the Corbynites could only behave as they did because so many Labour members are either anti-Semitic or don’t [care] about it. Those members remain—and will choose the next Labour leader.

There are lessons here for the USA where similar elements are vocal in the Democratic Party. Be warned.

U.S. President Donald Trump was among the first to congratulate Johnson on his landslide victory, writing on Twitter: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN! Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT. This deal has the potential to be far bigger and more lucrative than any deal that could be made with the E.U. Celebrate Boris!”

Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz said Johnson’s win was a “victory of values” over anti-Semitism. So one danger to the nation is averted, at least in part. But the spectre of the EU still hangs over the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson promises we will be out of the EU by January 31. “We will get Brexit done on time by the 31st of January, no ifs, no buts, no maybes,” Johnson told cheering supporters on Friday. “Leaving the European Union as one United Kingdom, taking back control of our laws, borders, money, our trade, immigration system, delivering on the democratic mandate of the people.”

If Parliament passes Johnson’s existing withdrawal agreement by his January 31 deadline, it will start a transition period for the UK and EU to do a deal on their future relationship. Johnson says this period will not go beyond the end of 2020, but many doubt—me being one of them—that a comprehensive agreement can be concluded before then.

EU Council president Charles Michel said the bloc is ready to embark on trade talks with Britain and will do the utmost to protect European priorities after Johnson’s win. So this seeming break with the EU is not as final and permanent as it sounds, as we will be tied into a trading relationship under EU rules for the foreseeable future. I have always doubted that we will ever actually leave the EU, whatever form of words is used.

At present, if we manage to shake off some of the near half-century of EU regulations enshrined in our laws, the UK is likely to still be linked to a series of EU military structures. Britain could be forced to pay billions of pounds into EU defense projects and contribute troops and other military assets to Brussels defense units as a result. We shall see. 

Britain’s armed  forces are also heavily linked with their French equivalents. We are the only European nations with nuclear weapons. These will be needed when Antichrist comes to power in Europe.

One thing that defines a nation-state is that it is free to set laws with regard to its own culture and history. I live not far from Runnymead, where King John was forced to hand over some of his kingly powers to the barons, in a development which led to the establishment of a democracy—the first in the modern world. 

However, Europe’s top lawmaking body, the European Court of Justice, sets the pace for Euro lawmaking and the European Commission, the top policy-making body, refers to its judgments when it wants to overrule anything from the European Parliament to national parliaments in the field of criminal law. On tax, foreign policy, defence, and social and education policy, the countries of Europe are effectively as one, with tiny areas of competence left to national parliaments. This will not be lightly given up, especially as the UK is the second largest contributor to the EU Superstate.

Bible Prophecy, notably in the Book of Daniel, leads me to believe we will remain within the EU—the Revived Roman Empire which is the last world empire prior to the return to Earth of the Lord Jesus. The original Roman Empire included England up to Hadrian’s Wall, the border with Scotland.

The bright spot for now is that government of Mad Marxists—the extreme left-wing zealots who now control the Labour Party, the UK’s second largest political organisation—will not now get their hands on power. However, there are powerful and well funded forces at work to retain the UK within the maw of the EU. They are aided by ill-informed, bigoted dupes.

They should take note, as I did, that just as in America after the last presidential election, there is a neo-Marxist mob which doesn’t like democracy when it doesn’t get the result they want. This group of bone-brained hooligans was out on the streets of London, interfering with people about their lawful business and generally howling at the heavens. This is how London’s Daily Telegraph, reported it the day after the General Election: “On Friday night chants of ‘Oh, Jeremy Corbyn’ were heard as hundreds of protesters carrying ‘No to Boris Johnson’ and ‘Defy Tory Rule’ placards descended upon Whitehall, central London. Some of the left-wing activists blocked the route of a double decker bus on Victoria Street and started singing the children’s song The Wheels on the Bus. Police established cordons at the scene and many protesters left as rain began to fall.”

My comment: May it rain on all your stupid but dangerous parades objecting to other people’s rights to an opinion and a vote.