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Day: March 12, 2023

Open the Door

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

How is it that we question the power of God concerning our situations in life? You may feel as if you have finally run into the one thing God is unable to do. A great pastor friend of mine told me how his young boys looked at him one day in the car and said, “Dad, your car is a mess!” He replied to them, “Yes. It’s a mess, and you made the mess.”

Today we look at the world we live in, and everything from romance to finance is a mess. The first thing each of us wants to do is look for a place to lay the blame. Has it ever dawned on you that we are the ones who left things strewn all over life, in our carelessness and thoughtlessness?

Before we get too negative about our situations, problems, perplexities, or “mess,” when was the last time you picked up your Bible and read the very first verse? “In the beginning God!” Nothing else, no one else, just God stood alone on the balcony of nothingness, looking into a thing called time that had not yet been given – and He began to speak the heavens into existence.

Stepping out on the balcony of space, He began to call forth everything you see around you, and thousands of years later, everything He spoke is still happening.

Every seed, raindrop, sunrise, sunset, and moon glow that has ever been created, from before the foundations of the world, keeps showing up. Yet you still question if your mess can be turned around?

Get up early in the morning, get a cup of coffee, step outside, and watch the sun appear over the horizon. The same God that spoke the sun into existence can speak to your situation if you will let Him. Remember: God will not come in uninvited.

Our prayer for you this week: May you find the courage to open the door and let Him in