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Day: February 12, 2024

A Comeback Story

1 Peter 5:6

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:


Peter exhorting the elders, better known as pastors, reminds them in Acts 20:28 to humble themselves. Why is humility so hard to deal with? What is it about man that we struggle with changing the viewpoint of where, who, and what we are? Why do we value our own opinion about ourselves over that of others, not realizing it is the value of others’ opinion that truly affects our journey and empowers our worth?

I have said it and so have you, “If I could buy them for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth, it would be instant riches.“ Peter takes time to impart unto us one of the greatest secrets of life—what God loves, the humble. He did not say He might. He wrote that there is something principal, a nugget, something of value and worth in this thing called humility that demands a response from God.

God loves to exalt the humble. Why? Because no one else can raise up a David after an encounter with Bathsheba except God. No one else can pull a Paul from Saul except for God. Who else can bring a murderer like Moses to leadership except God? Or who can bring Elijah out from under a juniper tree back to destroy 850 false prophets? Who else can return the strength to Samson? GOD!

What is the common thread here? Each of these men had to repent and lower their opinion of themselves. When they did, God stepped in—just like the writer said—and exalted the humble. Could it be your situation might take a massive turnaround today if you lower your own opinion of yourself?

Our prayer for you this week: May we have the strength to lower our opinion of ourselves, allowing God to exalt a comeback story.