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Since its inception in 1933, Southwest Radio Ministries has been funded through the generous support of its listeners. For more than 80 years, this ministry has depended upon the Lord to provide the funds needed to continue to proclaim the blessed hope we have in the Lord Jesus Christ and His soon return. Every offering or contribution given to Southwest Radio Ministries general fund goes toward operating expenses and mission efforts.

Since its inception in 1933, Southwest Radio Ministries has been funded through the generous support of its listeners. For more than 80 years, this ministry has depended upon the Lord to provide the funds needed to continue to proclaim the blessed hope we have in the Lord Jesus Christ and His soon return.

We continually strive to be good stewards of the funds with which God entrusts us. Every offering or contribution given to Southwest Radio Ministries general fund goes toward operating expenses including staff, utilities, printing costs, mailing costs, and radio costs.

In addition, we support several missionary efforts, including Pakistan and our own prison ministry.

NOTE: If you donate through our website, only click the submit button once. If you click more than once, this may result in double and triple charges to your credit card. If you are unsure if your donation was processed, please call 1-800-652-1144 and we will be more than glad to verify your donation was submitted.

If you feel the Lord leading you to support Southwest Radio Ministries, we are privileged to have you as our partner in faith.

All donations to Southwest Radio Ministries are tax-deductible.

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