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Family Life for Christians

Over the years, Southwest Radio Ministries has many inquiries about the role of family in our Christian life. If you have a question that you would like answered, you can write us at Southwest Radio Ministries, P.O. Box 76834, Oklahoma City, OK 73147, or email us at

Celebrating Godly Mothers

Mother’s Day provides an occasion to express our gratitude for the godly women who love the Lord and others. If you have a godly woman like this in your life,

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Moms: Perfection Not Required

How can moms show Christ to their families? As we celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday, I want to encourage moms by sharing seven simple ways Christian mothers can reveal Jesus

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Is There a Cure for America’s Cancer?

America has cancer. Monday’s horrific shooting at Covenant School in Nashville reveals the cancer is spreading. Our ministry is heartbroken over this tragedy. We are praying for this community as

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Christian Books on Prophecy

I love Bible Prophecy and I love to read. Over the years, I have accumulated a library of thousands of books. I am always on the lookout at used bookstores,

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Toxic Faith

Is Toxic Faith Ruining Your Prophetic Witness and Destroying Your Marriage? When toxic waste is allowed to seep into a river, that river is poisoned. Fish die, the water smells

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Popular Myths About Marriage

Those Left Behind: Did They Believe These Popular Myths About Marriage? First Thessalonians 4–5 speak about future realities. Chapter 5:2 states: For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the

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Cherish Your Spouse

Jesus Is Coming: Love and Cherish Your Spouse! Marital splits and squabbles could very well be one of the main reasons many Christians are not ready for the Rapture. If

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Why We Need Strong Families

The family is God’s masterpiece. Out of His goodness, God intended it to reflect His character in that there would be unity and love, and the miraculous potential to produce

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