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All-Seeing Eye Surveillance (DVD) Michael Hoggard


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Satan needs a network—a network of sophisticated technology, organizations, and people so that he can have total control of Planet Earth.

All-Seeing Eye Surveillance (DVD) Michael Hoggard

Satan must create, through scientists, the incredibly sophisticated global surveillance system we are seeing spreading over the entire earth—because he is not God! He needs a network—a network of sophisticated technology, organizations, and people so that he can have total control of Planet Earth.

Michael W. Hoggard is the author of “The King James Code” and serves as senior pastor of Bethel Church located in Festus, Missouri. He is the founder and director of Prophetic Research Ministries. He has spent many years researching the Scriptures and has discovered several biblical principles for understanding the Word of God as a prophetic voice. He has been called upon to lecture on college campuses, Bible conferences, and local churches. Mike, his wife Lisa, and their children, live just south of St. Louis, Missouri. 

  • Author: Michael Hoggard
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 80 minutes

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