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American Destiny 400 Years (DVD) Michael Samuel Smith


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Are there parallels between America’s early history and ancient Israel’s? Join us as we take a trip back in time and discover how America as we know it came to be. We begin with the story of Columbus in 1492. You may be suprised to know there is much more to his story that you have never heard. From there we fast-forward to the colonization of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. There is a love story there unlike any you have ever heard! Lear about Pocahontas’s being America’s first princess and her audience with the Queen of England.

American Destiny 400 Years (DVD) Michael Samuel Smith

Are there parallels between America’s early history and ancient Israel’s? Join us as we take a trip back in time and discover how America as we know it came to be. We begin with the story of Columbus in 1492. You may be surprised to know there is much more to his story that you have never heard. From there we fast-forward to the colonization of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. There is a love story there unlike any you have ever heard! Lear about Pocahontas’s being America’s first princess and her audience with the Queen of England.

In this video you will get the real history of the pilgrims and how their colony became the foundation of our great nation. Just as God instructed Joshua to place twelve stones in the promise land as a memorial, our forefathers left us a memorial as well, a memorial that most Americans are not aware of.

You will learn how the geography of America is a typing shadow of the tabernacle in the wilderness, how William Bradford  was a type of Joshua and Dr. Martin Luther King was a type of Moses.

At the end of the video I interview a very special guest, Pastor Dan Fisher,  who tells us the story of the Black Robed Regiment. You will learn that it was preachers who assisted General Washington in securing our victory on the American Revolution.


  • Author: Michael Samuel Smith
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 hours

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