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Ancient Cities and the Gods Who Built Them “Atlantis” & “Eridu” (DVD)


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Micah Van Huss examines the days of Noah, the Nephilim, and the demonic construction of Ancient Cities.

Ancient Cities and the Gods Who Built Them “Atlantis” & “Eridu”

Who were the Nephilim? What really happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis? Who are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant to our walk with God and our understanding of His creation?

Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His return, that it comes like a thief in the night. This DVD takes an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah and many other topics so that we can be ready for our Savior’s return. Topics that God chose to include in His Word are worth taking the time to study. Ancient Cities looks at the Antediluvian world from a solid biblical foundation. Why are the stories of giants scattered throughout Scripture as well as our world today? Why did Joshua kill not only the men, but also the women, children, and livestock of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels do we find between the Bible and ancient Greek mythology?

Join Micah Van Huss as he teaches the topics that your Sunday school teacher wouldn’t talk about.

Ancient Cities Collection (Book & DVD) $35

Ancient Cities: And the Gods Who Built Them Book $20

  • Author: Micah Van Huss
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 130 minutes

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