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God’s One Liners: Devotions on the Shortest Verses in the Bible – Jerry Tyson


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Devotions on the shortest verses in the Bible

Devotions on the Shortest Verses in the Bible

A “one liner” is usually thought of as a brief, funny comment by a comedian. Since the Bible is not a book of humor, we have found a different and more fitting description for God’s One Liners.

Our normal impression is, “If it is small, it is of little value.” This is not true of Scripture. Jesus considered a couple of mites, the smallest coin of the day, to be a large offering because it was all the giver had; it was a young boy’s little lunch that fed thousands of hungry people after it was blessed by the Lord.

  • Author: Jerry and Jody Tyson
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 176 pages

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