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When Christians Roamed The Earth


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Is the Bible-Believing Church Headed for Extinction?

The distinguished authors in this book recognize the marginalization of a Christian world view in today’s society, and have a passionate desire to call Christians back to the Bible, where answers for all of life’s struggles can be found.

Bringing to light the harmful effects of evolutionary thought on the Church, and society in general, this team of veteran creationists shows readers in shocking detail how Darwin started us down the slippery slope. With insightful commentary on a variety of topics – the Bible as “myth”; UFO’s and paranormal interest; New Age spirituality; studies in man’s origin; and evolution and pop culture; this book will raise issues rarely thought about in Christian circles. “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.” – Paul of Tarsus

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