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Zion is representative of a person, a place, and a people.

Specifically, Zion is about the Lord, His dwelling place, and His redeemed people the people of God!

You see, the redeemer, Jesus, is bringing the redeemed under His banner into His place of peace – ultimately, the New Jerusalem or as the bible states – Zion, the eternal dwelling place of God and His people.

This video teaching series is about the person and works of Jesus the Messiah and God’s redemptive plan for mankind. Our salvation studies here in the Holy Land will focus from various biblical angles on the Redeemer Jesus and the Redemption He has accomplished through His life, death, and resurrection, with the consummation being Zion – the place where God is and the place His people will dwell with Him in perfect communion forever. This is where we’re headed as we study the good news of Jesus. You see, every believer in Messiah Jesus is on a pilgrimage to Zion, our eternal home with our eternal God!

Order this compelling series on DVD today!
Pilgrimage to Zion DVD
Pilgrimage to Zion: Salvation Studies in Israel (DVD)

Pilgrimage to Zion: Salvation Studies in Israel was filmed across multiple locations in Israel and is a production of Beacon Street Media and Southwest Radio Ministries in partnership with Larry Stamm Ministries.

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