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The Coming of Elijah

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and […]

Could China Produce the Antichrist?

The identity and nationality of the Antichrist has long been the subject of many discussions. Some believe that he must be a Jew; some believe he will be a Muslim; […]

Creating a Man/Machine

I’m sure that most folks who watch TV have seen the insurance ad with the half man/motorcycle getting gassed up.  The identity of the Antichrist has consumed the minds of […]

The Implantable Microchip

For years, many Bible students have sought after answers to the identity of the “mark of the Beast.” The first mention of a mark upon a man was Cain, who […]

Social Distancing—Collateral Damage

“According to the Caregiver Action Network, more than 90 million Americans provide care to a loved one who has chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or is experiencing the fragilities of old […]

Satanic Infection

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what is happening in this world today. Most Americans are sick and tired of hearing about COVID-19 and wish for news […]

The Rehearsal

We are in the age of scamming and it doesn’t seem to be letting up. In fact, it is increasing. Several times a day we get scam calls posing as […]


With the invention of modern technology that has produced the computer and internet, we have seen a drastic increase in ways to encroach upon our neighbors both foreign and domestic. […]

China’s Drive to Global Dominance

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might […]

Quid Pro Quo

The term quid pro quo has lain beyond earshot for the most part for many years. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary it means, “something given or received for something else.” Suddenly, […]

America’s Mental State

I have noticed in my years here at Southwest Radio Church that donations vary according to economic conditions of our country, but not in a way that we would think. […]

“The Squad”

There are now those of the Democratic Party who are leaning toward something even more sinister than socialism—Marxism. The leader of this move is not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schummer, […]

America: The New Tower of Babel?

Since the account in the Garden of Eden we have seen that mankind, left to self-determination, will eventually gravitate to his own devices. The story of the rebellion of man […]

The Cost of Freedom

On Thursday July 4, 2019, America will celebrate its 243rd anniversary of the signing of the “Declaration of Independence.” Congress had voted to declare independence two days prior on July […]

None of These Diseases

In 1963, Fleming H. Revell Company released the book None of These Diseases, written by S. I. McMillen, M.D., that stated that modern science was 4,000 years behind the Bible. […]

Pack Your Bags

The Democratic Party seems to believe that walls are a new idea. However, walls have been around since creation and they all have the same purpose, keep out the undesirables […]