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Loving the Way Jesus Loved

“Jesus beholding him loved him” —Mark 10:21 The Bible has the amazing ability to help people who are walking with Jesus to walk a little closer to Him. I am […]

Roe v. Wade Aftermath

Roe v. Wade Aftermath – a Lesson From The Ongoing War While pro-lifers celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade—called by jurists “bad law”—abortion terrorists revealed their murderous rage. The […]


Tyrants know that tyranny is not generally popular. Nobody wants an elitist snob ruling over them. Hence tyrants must resort to indoctrination. People who are indoctrinated will tolerate what they […]

Derision 2022

America is in great danger, but God is laughing. If the warnings of the Lord’s faithful servants don’t mean anything to the general population, maybe the fact that the Lord […]

Preterism On Trial—Part II

In Part I of this series I shared some of the basic ideas about preterism, and why the view that prophecy has already been fulfilled doesn’t stand up under close […]

Preterism On Trial – Part I

What would you think if someone told you that all prophecy has been fulfilled? Moreover, what if that person argues that the Bible does not speak about the future, nor […]

Flowers In the Sand

I am in the process of writing a book on the subject of revival in the last days. I believe that God is changing the world and His people for […]

Courage Is Not For the Faint-hearted

“Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions” (Dan. 6:16). For entertainment and sport, lions were released in the Roman Coliseum, and […]

Best Wishes for the New Year

Dear Friend in Christ: The approaching New Year should bring joy and excitement to every Christian’s heart. We are one year closer to the Lord’s return for us. Romans 13:11 […]

Bible prophecy headline news

Bible prophecy headline news “Death In The City” In Lamentations we read: “How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow … […]

Is America Under a Futility Curse?

Dozing Presidents, Woke Generals and an Out-of-Control Medical Bureaucracy Many are wondering if God has rightly abandoned America. Are we being justly abandoned by God because of our sins? Is […]

A Communist Utopia?

There are some things that are clearly impossible. Jeremiah the prophet asked, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that […]

Is War Immoral?

Since earliest times there have been wars. In a fallen world of greed and selfishness what else do you expect? When Jesus comes back we are told, “… and in […]

Race War or Race Peace?

And hath made of one blood all nations of men (Acts 17:26). Tensions were high one Saturday in April 2021 when Democrat representative Maxine Waters spoke in Brooklyn Center, the […]

Keeping Your Ethical Edge Sharp

Our world has a way of dulling what needs to be razor sharp—our ethical edge. God has called His people to holiness and sanctification. Writing to Christians scattered in Asia […]

The Consuming Presence

“… that the nations may tremble at thy presence!” —Isaiah 64:2 The Second Article of the 1973 Humanist Manifesto revealed its position on the Christian faith with unabashed clarity: “Promises […]

Jesus’ Instruction for the End-Time Church

“Antipas … who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth” (Rev. 2:13). Who could have predicted on January 1, 2020, that a tiny virus invisible to the human eye would […]