Let goodness ring

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
We have all heard of Newton’s law, “the law of inertia, the formula stating that force equals mass times acceleration, and the rule that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”
We have all used these laws to our advantage. We have called ourselves or situations runaway trains, loose cannons, or train wrecks, all the while claiming ignorance if not insanity to get away with what we have been involved in, created, or have associated with. We laugh, saying ignorance is bliss, when really, we have made a blooming idiot of ourselves, which is ignorance gone to seed.
I, too, have tried to justify actions of mine that were inexcusable, caving and giving into situations I should have ignored, walked away from, shoved aside, defused, or de-armed by not allowing the evil, “backwards living” to get hold of me, mine, or ours.
Evil is nothing new. It has always been and will always be. Paul penned in Romans 7:21, “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.” You would think that after 6,000 years, humanity would learn to neutralize, deactivate, and offset evil.
When will it occur to us that we have a counterweight, counterbalance, a compensator in Christ? Like the Allstate Insurance motto, we are in Good Hands, hands that tamed, restrained, and overcame the enemy.
So today, learn that Newton’s law of reaction does not pertain to you. Be a man or woman of response. Do not allow evil to overwhelm, overpower, overcome, or overthrow you. Instead allow your answer to be one of goodness, the state of good coming forth from you. Which in turn is God coming forth from you since there is none good but God (Mark 10:18).
This week when evil arises let the “Godness” in you show forth and overcome evil with good.
Our prayer for you this week: May you become an overcomer of evil and let goodness ring.