Monumental Issues

America’s history is etched in granite and memorialized in bronze. In recent years, certain statues were targeted for removal based on the figure’s past. Now the defacing and destruction of historical statues has become random and senseless.
In June, pro-Hamas protestors spray painted statues in Lafayette Park across from the White House in Washington, D.C. A calm and steady park ranger tried to do his job by quietly standing next to the statue of Rochambeau, a French general who aided the 13 Colonies during the American Revolution. The protestors sprayed the statue and hurled trash at the park ranger as they chanted curse words and called him a fascist. Peaceful protests? Hardly.
As mentioned in my book Rise of the One-World Mind, the term fascist is being used in a strategic way by the globalist left as the world war on words rages. How is a park ranger doing his job by quietly standing next to a random statue suddenly a fascist?
As anger boils over, protestors and rioters emote by attacking anyone and anything standing in their way. Gen. Rochambeau was not symbolic to the protestors. His statue just happened to be in the park where they were protesting and thus became the object of their rage, just like the park ranger.
While vandalism and protests are not new to America, the continual downward spiral threatens its survival. Ignorance of America’s past will destroy America’s future. Attempts to remove Almighty God from America’s history reveals a dearth of understanding why this nation was founded in the first place.
fallen from a great height
The Mayflower Compact was drafted in 1620 as a covenant agreement for the orderly establishment of a new colony. Part of it reads (in modern English), “Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia; do by these present, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic…”
Why did the Pilgrims seek to establish a new colony? It was primarily “for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith.” How many American kids hear that in November when they don construction paper pilgrim hats at school?
Speaking of school, Harvard University was founded in 1636 as the first college in the American colonies. The Pilgrims understood how important it was to have a clergy well-trained in properly understanding the greatest treasure on Earth, the Holy Bible. Originally, Harvard University used the Latin motto, In Christi Gloriam, which is translated in English, “For the Glory of Christ.” In 1692, Harvard University adopted the motto, Veritas Christo et Ecclessiae, which is Latin for “Truth for Christ and the Church.” Unitarians influenced the school to change its motto during the 19th century. For over 100 years, Harvard has used only Veritas, “Truth,” as its motto.
When God and His Word are removed as the standard for veritas, is there a foundation for truth to stand upon outside of changing human opinions? Is truth determined by popular vote or by the loudest voices? The random vandalism of historic statues stems from a postmodern worldview that places veritas in the eye of the beholder instead of in the transcendent God of the universe.
etched in stone
Tucked away in a grove of trees in Plymouth, Massachusetts is the world’s largest solid granite monument known as the National Monument to the Forefathers. This 81-foot-tall monument is a memorial to the Mayflower Pilgrims.
Upon its highest pedestal stands lady “Faith” with one hand pointing up to heaven and the other clutching a Geneva Bible, the Bible that the Mayflower Pilgrims brought on their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Seated beneath her on four corners are four figures: Morality, Law, Education and Liberty. These five virtues were foundational to the Pilgrim’s purpose and are deeply rooted in the Christian faith.
It is impossible to divorce the Pilgrims’ Christian faith from their purpose and goals for the new colony. That is why Faith stands above the other four. The Pilgrims knew it was impossible to have morality, law, education and liberty apart from faith in Almighty God. How far away from their vision America has moved!
Etched on a panel on this monument is a quote from Gov. William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation:”
“Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the glorious name of Jehovah have all praise.”
Sadly, this history is scarcely known and taught in America. Monuments like this are carved in stone so that their lessons will not soon be forgotten. Kirk Cameron did his part to shed light on the significance of the National Monument to the Forefathers in his 2011 documentary Monumental. Each generation has a responsibility to pass on this history to the next generation. When one generation fails in this responsibility, the next becomes oblivious.
Is America witnessing the rise of a historically oblivious generation?
is there hope?
Yes! Some Bible prophecy teachers are all doom and gloom. That is one reason why some people are turned off from studying Bible prophecy. This is tragic since Bible prophecy is ultimately a message of tremendous hope, joy and peace. The Apostle Paul described the rapture and ended with, “Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thess. 4:18). Those who use Bible prophecy to scare others are not following this biblical mandate to comfort one another with these words.
Faithful pastors and Bible scholars differ widely on America’s future in Bible prophecy as they seek to answer the question: “Is there any hope for America?” The Bible teaches that God forgives those who turn to Him in repentance and faith. Could many Americans do that? Yes. They could. But will they? That is up to every person to decide. Each American must cast their own vote on whether they will accept or reject Jesus’ offer of eternal life.
If no changes occur, America should expect continued erosion. Two of my favorite words in the Bible are “but God.” No situation is too bleak for God to turn around. No one is too far gone to be redeemed by Jesus. God can turn any nation around as they turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Christians must seek the face of Almighty God for the souls of people who are heading to eternity without Jesus’ salvation. Pray for God to do a great work in their hearts and minds. Pray for the Gospel to go forth with great power in this moment of world history.
When I am tempted to hate a person or a group of people, I make John 3:16 more specific and put that person’s name in the verse when it says “world” or “whosoever.” It refocuses me on God’s heart for every person in this world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
The only cure for the spiritual erosion of America and this world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why Christians must remain steadfast in proclaiming this life-giving message while we have a window of opportunity.
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