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Eternal Security: God’s Anchor In A Brutal Storm (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films


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A study of the doctrine of Eternal Security.

Eternal Security: God’s Anchor In A Brutal Storm (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films

For centuries, a debate has raged amongst Christians, ‘Can I lose my salvation’, and ‘Am I eternally saved the moment I received Jesus’? Proponents have argued endlessly about this subject, with many people believing that the question carries little to no real importance, and it is not worth dividing the brethren over it.

BUT — the world stands at the End of the Age, and every Christian will discover that their belief on this subject may be the most important topic in the world. As Christians face the possibility of tortures at the hand of Antichristian forces, what kind of confidence do we have as we turn to face the enemy of our souls?

Did you know that Russian Communist prison guards believed they could force a person to lose their salvation? These guards delighted into so torturing the body, mind and soul of Christians that they would commit a sin at the very end of their life that would plunge them into Hell. The future prison guards we will face will believe the very same doctrine and will specifically attempt to make you lose your salvation.

What does the Scripture say on this most important issue? What does Jesus say, and the Apostle Paul and others? The truth is that no believer can lose their salvation, and once you understand this doctrine thoroughly, you can face any torturer with absolute confidence. The message of this DVD arms you with that sure knowledge, thus becoming a true ‘Anchor of Your Soul’!

  • Author: David Bay
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 1 hour

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