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Are We Building The Kingdom of God? Vol 1 (DVD) Mac Dominick


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A Biblical Study of the Kingdom of God

Are We Building The Kingdom of God? Vol 1 (DVD) Mac Dominick

* What is the Kingdom of God?
* Are we now living in the Kingdom of God?
* Who are the WATCHERS and the SONS OF GOD and how do they fit in with Building the Kingdom of God at the End of the Age?
* Is the Church the Kingdom of God?

This study begins before Genesis, in Eternity Past, and continues through the Book of Revelation, and will be absolutely critical in maturing your faith at this End of the Age.

Isaiah 9:6-7 is the logical starting point for this study. Jesus Christ is revealed as: * The coming ruler of World Government.
* His government shall rule from Jerusalem from the lineage of the Throne of David.
* His government shall rule FOREVER.
* He shall be Mighty God.
* He shall rule with eternal Justice and Peace.

* Christians today must focus their gaze upon this final wonderful ruler and His kingdom, because this world is going to have to go through an unparalleled tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist and of God’s judgment upon all mankind. No matter how awful events are going to get, remember, you are not home yet!

In the ultimate analysis, who builds God’s Kingdom on Earth? Human Church leaders or Jesus Christ?

2 hours long

  • Author: Mac Dominick
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 hours

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