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J.R. Church Video Collection – Set of 6 DVDs


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A collection of 6 classic J.R. Church videos.

This informative DVD series by J. R. Church discusses significant prophecies such as the prophecies found in the book of Job, the prophecy of Elijah’s Mantle, and hidden prophetic Psalms that foretell of future events in modern history.

What’s Covered in The J.R. Church Video Collection 6-DVD Set

This set features 6 classic Prophetic Presentations:

  • Birth Defect – J.R. Church discusses how the gestation period for a human child parallels important dates of the Jewish festivals, revealing God’s purposeful design!
  • Job: The Oldest Prophecy in the Bible – Often thought to be the earliest book written in the Bible, (even before Genesis), J.R. Church presents the early, untold prophetic message found in the book of Job.
  • Legend of the Holy Grail – J.R. Church covers the topic of secret societies like The Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati, and how they all play a role in the coming New World Order.
  • Levels of Biblical Interpretation – J.R. Church discusses the three different interpretations of Scripture: Primary Interpretation, Practical Application, and Prophetic Implication. However, in the Jewish faith, the Jews believe there is a fourth, “secret level” of interpretating Scripture. In this video segment, J.R. Church unpacks this fourth level for his audience.
  • The Prophecy of Elijah’s Mantle – Before Elijah was taken to heaven, he gave Elisha his prayer shawl. The shawl was used to heal the sick and raise people from the dead. Later on in the New Testament, the shawl appears again. J.R. Church presents an explanation of who wore it in the New Testament and if Jesus will wear it again when he returns.
  • The Prophetic Psalms – J.R. Church is well known for his teachings on the book of Psalms. In this video segment, Church explains how Psalms 39-45 foreshadow the Holocaust between the years 1939 and 1945 during World War II. Psalm 48 foretold the birth of the nation of Israel in the year 1948. Watch this video and be amazed at God’s revelations through the book of Psalms.

DVD Details

  • Length: 5 Hours
  • Category: DVDS

About J.R. Church

Jerry Rolan “J.R.” Church, Sr. was born on November 17th, 1938 to Henry Gant Church and Jewel Marie Deatherage. Church founded Wayne Avenue Baptist Church in 1963. He was a pastor, author, and the founder of Western Hills Baptist Academy and Prophecy In The News.

J.R. Church wrote books such as Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms, Guardians of the Grail: And the Men Who Plan to Rule the World, They Pierced the Veil, Hidden Prophecies in the Song of Moses, The Mystery of the Menorah, and On the Eve of Adam: God’s Ancient Plan for Lucifer’s Defeat. Church passed away on October 21st, 2016.


  • Author: J.R. Church
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 5 Hours

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