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Revelation Unveiled (4 Book Set) Spargimino, Hutchings, Alexander, Harriott

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Four fantastic teaching books on Revelation!

Revelation Unveiled (4 Book Set) Spargimino, Hutchings, Alexander, Harriott

The Revelation Unveiled Bundle features four books:

No Uncertain Future – Larry Spargimino

A Study-Guide Commentary to Revelation

For 5,900 years man was confined in travel and communications to 30 miles an hour. In our generation travel has accelerated to hundreds of miles an hour and communications to 186,000 miles a second. Wars, famines, and earthquakes continue to increase and concerns mount over the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Jesus said of these last days that fear would grip the world as to what the future holds (Luke 21:26). However, for those who read and study the book of Revelation, this marvelous book of prophecy, there is no need to be uncertain about the future. Dr. Spargimino has done a masterful study on this important book about things to come, reconciling the message to the churches with the judgments of the seals, trumpets, and vials. For the person who has had difficulty placing all the events in the Apocalypse in proper chronological order, this is the book.

Foundations in Prophecy – Larry Spargimino and Noah Hutchings

Dr. Larry Spargimino and Dr. Noah Hutchings discuss the foundations in prophecy. This booklet is a transcription of seven radio programs which give a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy. They believe that studying the dispensational truth will help you make sense of the prophetic themes that are woven throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Indeed, all Scripture is for us, but not all Scripture is about us. Prophecy is not just for “prophecy buffs,” but for every Christian who wants to have a greater love for the Lord Jesus Christ. The reader is encouraged to examine everything written in this brief study with an open Bible, because the Bible alone is to be our standard.

Beyond the Revelation – Terry Gayle Alexander

The Last Eden – There is a rocky, bumpy, muddy, winding, and at times, uncertain road that winds through all 66 books of the Bible, over a period of 6,000 years travel time, from the First Eden to the Last Eden. We are now nearing the last and most dangerous sections of this road. What Terry Alexander has done in this book is to travel this road with us until we reach that blessed city where there will be no hunger, no tears, no sorrow, no sin, no crime, no sickness, no disappointments, not even a red light. We can read in the Holy Scriptures the promised blessings of God awaiting us in the New Jerusalem, the Paradise of God. But the Bible indicates that this is only a partial list, and that you and I cannot even begin to imagine what lies beyond the last verse in Revelation. This book will take you through time, space, and places in God’s eternal kingdom that you may never have traveled before.

Revelation: Seed of the Woman – B.F. Harriott

Revelation has spoken to all phases of the Church Age, but the whole text is clearer for Christians in the seventh and final phase, in which we live. This phase is called Laodicean by prophetic application of the seven letters to seven churches. For the Bible believer, prophecy is history written in advance by the Holy Spirit’s dictate, and the post-Flood history given in the Bible is that which impacts the Holy Land and the Israelites. On their behalf, soon enough, the entire earth will falter. Our Lord is the solution, destined before the foundation of the world.

  • Author: Spargimino, Hutchings, Alexander, Harriott
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 4 Books

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