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Bible Prophecy and the End Times – Charles “Charlie” Evans

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $5.00.

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The end may be closer than you think. The question is, are you ready?

Bible Prophecy and the End Times – Charles “Charlie” Evans

Everything that is written in this book is from the Bible, or inferred by it, or is supported by facts that you can easily affirm by your own research. Assumptions are only made if they are consistent with holy scripture and existing facts. The book is written for anyone who wants to know about Bible Prophecy. It is assumed that the reader is not acquainted with Bible prophecy or the Bible itself. So, the author starts at the beginning, covering some basic concepts in the first couple of chapters. There he makes assumptions and conjectures so that history will agree with the Bible, rather than interpreting the Bible so that it agrees with “science” and archeology. This interpretation is basically a literal interpretation. “If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense, lest you have nonsense.”

Readers will enjoy “Points to Ponder” at the end of every chapter. As you read through the book and browse through the Points to Ponder, you will discover that it actually goes through the entire plan of God, beginning with Chapter 1 and ending in Chapter 12.

Table of Contents

  1. History of God’s People A brief summary of creation and the early history of the people of Israel
  2. The Supernatural Characters The major characters of the Holy Trinity and the Unholy Trinity
  3. Daniel’s Prophecies More prophecy is in Daniel than any other book of the Bible
  4. Early Prophecies Fulfilled Many prophecies about Jesus and his Resurrection, fulfilled
  5. End Time Prophecies Fulfilled Which prophecies are for the end times, and are already fulfilled
  6. Unfulfilled Prophecies, Major Prophets Unfulfilled prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and the Psalms
  7. Unfulfilled Prophecies: The Minor Prophets There are as many end time prophecies from prophets that just didn’t write as much
  8. Time Line for Judgment Day Analysis of the time line for Judgment Day, hidden in Daniel Chapter 9
  9. Scenario for the End Times The “End Times” will end dramatically in a scenario proven by various Bible passages
  10. Concept of the Rapture Bible passages that support the concept of a pre-tribulation “rapture”
  11. Tribulation and Afterwards The chapter wades through the entire book of Revelation, unfolding the final plan of God
  12. Signs of the End Discusses data from actual measurements, justifying premise for the end of the world as we know it Appendix Age of the earth and Time Line Dates

BONUS FREE MUSIC CD: Bible Prophecy and the End Times comes with the free audio CD Sing God’s Plan. Sing God’s Plan illustrates the story of God’s plan from Creation through the fall of Adam, Jesus’ Resurrection and promise of eternity in heaven.

  • Author: Charlie Evans
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 332 pages

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