The Adventures of Bob & Betty – Gary and Lynda Miller
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This creative and cleverly illustrated children’s adventure book by Gary & Lynda Miller is sure to keep kids entertained for hours while teaching them valuable lessons about God.
The Adventures of Bob & Betty: Stories from the Miners Bible Club Series
Join Bob and Betty as they search for gold, get caught in a snow storm, travel to England, speed towards a raging waterfall and many other exciting adventures. “The Adventures of Bob and Betty” is a compilation of stories about twins who hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him as their Saviour. During their adventures, important Bible doctrines are interwoven into the story. The doctrine of salvation, right division, prayer, Christian living, evangelism, and more are explained in their adventures.
Makes a great gift for children. This book can be used for individual reading, bedtime stories, youth devotions, nursing home ministries, etc. Written with grace dispensational doctrine clearly taught and with over 80 pictures for children to color.
This creative and cleverly illustrated children’s adventure book by Gary & Lynda Miller is sure to keep kids entertained for hours while teaching them valuable lessons about God. The Adventures of Bob & Betty features 189 pages of coloring book style illustrations and larger than normal sized font for ease of reading. And best of all, Bob & Betty uses only KJV Scripture throughout it’s text. This is one of the best and only KJV children’s books we have ever seen.
About the Authors
Authors Gary and Lynda Miller have been teaching the Bible to children and young people for over 40 years. The Bob and Betty series of adventure stories is just a part of an ongoing children’s ministry of Grace Harbor Church.