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The Denizens of the Metacosm & The Encroaching Darkness (DVD) Chuck Missler


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This DVD features two end-time Bible Prophecy presentations by Chuck Missler.

The Denizens of the Metacosm & The Encroaching Darkness (DVD) Chuck Missler

The Denizens of the Metacosm Our reality is but a shadow of larger reality, the Metacosm, a domain of extra-dimensional transfers and other paradoxical phenomena. Are the beings that live in the Metacosm demonic deceivers of the End Times? Why do UFOs enjoy a military classification higher than our most sensitive weapons systems? Why are the events which occurred in Roswell New Mexico still classified? Why is the Vatican openly preparing to receive an Alien Visitor? How should a Christian deal with the occurrences of Alien abductions? Jesus admonished us to “Be not deceived.” How? How do we prepare for the deception which, “if it were possible, would deceive the very elect”?

The Encroaching Darkness As the centroid of geopolitical power on the Planet Earth continues its shift westward, you can also see a cloud of spiritual darkness emerging on our eastern horizon. We continue to see corruption everywhere: throughout the highest levels of government, in our entertainments, in our schools, and even in many of our churches. Many of those in the corridors of power should be incarcerated for treason—legislators that sign bills they haven’t read; executives who are allowed to ignore the laws; judges who reverse juries, amend laws, and indulge in social engineering; and leaders who fail to exhibit the most elementary ethical conduct. Is it too late for America?

These two outstanding presentations by the late Chuck Missler were presented live at the Prophecy Summit hosted by Prophecy in the News.

  • Author: Chuck Missler
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 hours

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