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The End-Time Occult Invasion (DVD) Eric Barger


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In this teaching session, Eric Barger exposes how the occult has invaded our society.

The End-Time Occult Invasion (DVD) Eric Barger

The sometimes subtle, sometimes overt promotion of the occult in our culture in proof positive that we are indeed in the last days.

Taken from Eric’s book Entertaining Spirits Unaware. Complete with a helpful “what to do” list in dealing with occult influences in our homes, this seminar message includes nearly 100 slides and presents 85 minutes of facts, documentation and explanation concerning the occult in our culture.

Packed with Scripture and understanding to help you confront and expose the works of darkness in our time! This will be a video you watch again and again and use to help minister to others.

Live Seminar Presentation

85 Minutes

  • Author: Eric Barger
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 85 minutes

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