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The Revealing – S. Douglas Woodward


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Doug Woodward teaches Heaven in the End-Times.

The Revealing – S. Douglas Woodward

The pillar and the cloud of Exodus will appear again, in the very last days over Zion. And the Church of Jesus Christ will be a vital part of this brilliant display. Few Christians comprehend the Christian’s inheritance to partake of the Divine Nature. To withstand coming persecution and hardship, comprehending our destiny will be indispensable. The Revealing is riveting because it teaches how we must prepare ourselves spiritually for Christ’s coming. It offers an inspiring, positive account of the wonderful provision God has made for His children. In short, The Revealing will impact your spiritual life as few books have. Through a detailed study of the Scripture and citing deep teaching from biblical scholars, the authors uncover multiple truths unfamiliar to even the most advanced students of the Bible:

  • Why is heaven not the believer’s ultimate reward?
  • Why is the New Jerusalem a people and not just a place?
  • What is our surest motive to persevere through persecution?
  • Why do tribulations and trials bring us closer to glory?
  • How does the Hebrew Tabernacle prefigure New Testament teaching on justification, sanctification, and glorification?
  • What does the Feast of Tabernacles teach about the “afterlife?”
  • Does the ministry of the Church continue AFTER the Rapture?
  • Will we appear on the earth during the Great Tribulation?

Authors Huffman and Woodward reveal that failing to fathom the riches of God’s glory and ignoring the commandment to seek His glory undermines our quest to be “imagers of God.” The promise of God’s glory – our inheritance – will transform us now. Seemingly improbable, we obtain the glory of God in part when we follow the process and practice to apprehend it, while we focus on Christ and this “precious gift… to be partakers of the divine nature.” (2 Peter 1:4) The Revealing unlocks one of the Bible’s most vital truths through advancing a comprehensive argument for the pursuit of sanctification and the assurance of God endowing us with glory.

  • Author: S. Douglas Woodward
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 338 pages

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