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Tri-Cities Tennesse 2022 Prophecy Conference


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  1. Kamal Saleem
  2. William Federer
  3. Dr. Robert Lindsted
  4. Pastor Greg Patten
  5. Larry Stamm
  6. Micah Van Huss
  7. Pastor James Collins
  8. Pastor Larry Spargimino
  9. Dr. Kenneth Hill

This Is a MEGA, Must-See, Can’t-Miss Conference


  1. Kamal Saleem—Former Islamic terrorist turned Christian and best-selling author
  2. William Federer—Nationally known speaker and best-selling author
  3. Dr. Robert Lindsted—Executive Director of Sunrise Christian Academy
  4. Pastor Greg Patten—Pastor of The Cross in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and former syndicated DJ
  5. Larry Stamm—Founder of Larry Stamm Ministries, a messianic ministry
  6. Micah Van Huss—Former legislator, military and current expert on all things supernatural
  7. Pastor James Collins—Staff evangelist and co-host of your SWRC ministry
  8. Pastor Larry Spargimino—Senior evangelist and host of Your SWRC ministry
  9. Dr. Kenneth Hill—President of your SWRC Ministry
  10. Dr. Douglas Petrovich—Professor, Scholar, and Author 
  11. Dr. Scott Stripling—provost and professor of biblical archaeology and church history

Larry Stamm-Biblical Principles for Personal Evangelism
Larry Stamm-Jewish Roots of Christianity
Douglas Petrovich-Confounding the Critics-Proving Israel’s Egyptian Sojourn
Douglas Petrovich-Dawn of All Babbling: Locating the Tower of Babel
Larry Spargimino-Why the Church Will Endure Victorious To The Rapture
Pastor Larry Spargimino-Preterism on Trial
Scott Stripling-The el-Burnat Altars
Scott Stripling-Shiloh’s Tabernacle
Rob Lindsted-Paving the way for the Antichrist
Rob Lindsted-What’s Next in Bible Prophecy
William Federer-What Every American Needs To Know About The Quran
William Federer-Socialism: The Real History
Greg Patten-Invisible War on the Saints
Greg Patten-The New America: A Flood of Evil
James Collins-The 12: Ancient Messages of Hope for Today’s Dark World
Kenneth Hill-Prayers of the Ancients
Kamal Saleem-From Jihad to Jesus
Micah Van Huss-Ancient Cities And The god’s Who Built Them
  • Author: SWRC
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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