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Understanding the Book of Revelation Series


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Understanding the Book of Revelation

This 24-DVD series contains a verse-by-verse study on the book of Revelation, taught by Dr. Donald Perkins. It consists of 71 TV programs taken from our TV show, “Your Future In Bible Prophecy.” This series includes chapters 1 through 22 of the book of Revelation. We hope these teaching enriches your life as you study along with us.

Topics covered on these DVDs:

Dvds – TV Programs 1 – 71

  • 1. How to Study the Book of Revelation
  • 2. Chapter 1 – Revelation of Jesus Pt. 1
  • 3. Chapter 1 – Revelation of Jesus Pt. 2
  • 4. The Glorified Vision of Jesus Christ Pt. 1
  • 5. The Glorified Vision of Jesus Christ Pt. 2
  • 6. Churches – Revelation Chapters 2 & 3
  • 7. The Letter to the Church of Ephesus
  • 8. The Letter to the Church of Smyrna
  • 9. The Letter to the Church of Pergamos
  • 10. The Letter to the Church of Thyatira Pt. 1
  • 11. The Church of Thyatira Pt. 2 & Sardis Pt. 1
  • 12. Church of Sardis Pt. 2 & Philadelphia Pt. 1
  • 13. Church of Philadelphia Pt. 2 & Laodicea Pt. 1
  • 14. The Church of Laodicea Pt. 2
  • 15. Chapter 4 The Heavenly Throne of God Pt. 1
  • 16. Chapter 4 The Heavenly Throne of God Pt. 2
  • 17. Chapter 4 The Heavenly Throne of God Pt. 3
  • 18. Chapter 5 Jesus the Lion & the Lamb
  • 19. Worship, Angels, The Seven Seals Pt. 1
  • 20. Chapter 6 The Seven Seals Released Pt. 2
  • 21. Chapter 7 The 144,000 Jews
  • 22. Chapter 7 The Great Tribulation Saints


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