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What In The World Is Going On?

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Brings bible prophecy to light on:

– The oil crisis
– The resurgence of Russia
– The new axis of evil
– The importance of Israel
– The new powers of the European Union

Is the current economic and political crisis actually prophesied in the Bible? If so, what are we to do about it? It is hard to piece together all this information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what the end times will look like. That’s why so many theories abound.And that’s why Dr. David Jeremiah has writtenWhat In the World Is Going On?,a unique book that cuts through the hundreds of books and numerous theories to identify the essential 10 most important bible prophecies.There is no other book like this. You’ll find it the ultimate study tool for understanding the future. You’ll have a greater sense of comfort that, even in these crazy times, God is indeed in control. If bible prophecy as always been a mystery to you, Dr. Jeremiah’s book will help you solve the mystery. At last, bible prophecy can make sense, and make a difference. It’s never been more important. What In the World Is Going On? is shocking and eye-opening but essential reading in these turbulent days.

  • Author: David Jeremiah
  • Binding / Format: Hardback
  • Pages / Runtime: 257 pages

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