Looking for Hope?

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;”
Titus 2:13
We’ve often heard the reply, “I’m living the blessed life,” when someone is asked how they are doing that day. Yet, all the while people’s conversations seem far from blessed. Could it be the reason we experience one thing, while we claim another, happens to be a direct result of having hope in the wrong things?
Paul told Titus there is a “blessed hope”. So, if there is a blessed hope, there must be a hope with no blessing. Maybe the reason we have no hope, while claiming the blessed life, is because we have put our hope in this life. Paul reminded the church at Corinth in 1 Corinthians 15:19, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.”
True hope does not come from this life nor the things of this life. Cars, homes, banks accounts, jobs, even our days carry no hope from this life. Everything from our job to our families can change, go downhill, or be gone at a moment’s notice. It did for Job, and yet God blessed him with double.
Noah lived in a hopeless, perverse, and wicked generation. Yet among all of the chaos going on, he found hope in the eye of the God. He found grace, a way of escape while all others were drowning.
So remember, blessed hope is not measured by how much you have, the position you are in, nor in the company you keep. True blessed hope is found in Jesus.
Our prayer for you this week: