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Marxism vs. Christianity

| Larry Spargimino

EDITOR’S NOTE: This month, SWRC’s Pastor Larry starts a new two-part set of articles on Marxism. Next month, Part II focuses on Critical Race Theory.

For the last hundred years or so Marxism, and its many descendants, has infiltrated many countries and regions with disastrous effects. Marxism is systemically anti-God and has led to the persecution of Christians, national upheavals and violent revolutions. Predictably, in its efforts to set the oppressed free, Marxism has led to censorship, the destruction of free speech and the formation of the police state. Surveillance technology and the ability of the Marxist state to track all who oppose it is quickly making Earth a “prison planet.” Why is such a hideous beast attracting so many new supporters?

Is Humanity Really Good?

In his insightful book, The Eclipse of God, Dr. Erwin Lutzer writes: “Rousseau, who preceded Marx, taught that human beings were basically good; it was society that corrupts them. Marx, building on this thesis, taught that man is indeed good, but capitalism corrupts him. Human nature could be changed if society changed; if people owned nothing but still had their needs met, they would live in harmony.” 

In this scheme, man is not the problem. Capitalism is. This is another example of blame shifting. “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat” (Gen. 3:12). 

Capitalism has become the scapegoat for those who refuse to blame themselves for their problems, and for the problems that plague humanity. It is very attractive, but this kind of thinking is the juicy worm that covers the barbed hook. Once impaled, escape is difficult if not impossible.

The Beckoning Call of Cultural Marxism

At the end of the Cold War (1947-1991), with the passing of the influence of men like Nikita Khrushchev, large numbers of Americans who were tired of conflicts and wars believed that they must avoid “conspiracy theories” at all costs. They erroneously concluded that Communism had been defeated and that anyone who had a different view, was a conspiracy theorist who needed to be ignored and then vilified if he or she persisted. Disguising their goals under the claim of “social justice,” cultural Marxists continue to dismantle the American Republic and turn many Americans against the very nation that has blessed them in so many wonderful ways.

The fact that this is a true assessment can easily be discovered. The Apostle Paul’s words that rebels against God seek to hold back, suppress, bury the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18) readily explain the Marxist mindset. Marxism satisfies the needs of those who are part of a growing number who subscribe to a “me-first-no-matter-who-suffers” worldview. It gives a reason to take wealth away from those who are supposedly enjoying “white privilege” because capitalism is, allegedly, oppressive and operates through greed.

Marxism’s Disdain for the Family

It does not take a very astute observer to realize that the family is under attack. Those seeking sexual pleasure have found a number of perverse ways to have what they seek without the responsibilities, and blessings, of the family. To put it plainly, their thrills come from sexual perversion. They have even invented new forms of perversion and curse those who even speak of “sexual perversion.”

Marx believed that the traditional family was a threat to the implementation of his socialist agenda. Families tend to pass along their wealth to their children, thereby perpetuating what Marx considered “inequality.” Moreover, families and family obligations, are associated with the Judeo- Christian religion. The command against adultery and the demands of a monogamous relationship do not fit into the Marxist idea of a happy people. Is it therefore strange that those who delight in “casual sex” would feel very comfortable in a Marxist world?

For Marx, the family was one of the main instruments of oppression. Lutzer writes, “Men oppressed their wives, parents oppressed their children, and took them to church, and God was the ultimate oppressor” (p. 49). For Christians the Bible is a revelation of the perfect will of God. “Thus saith the Lord” indicates the final word which cannot be altered, repealed or ignored. For Marx, this was oppression at its worst.

And, since we are thinking about oppression, I certainly do not want to give the idea that we somehow favor oppression. The Bible is against it (Ps. 62:10; Prov. 22:16; Isa. 10:2; 54:14; Micah 6:8—and many others). I am against it. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, wrote, “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” We must not let the Marxists achieve the moral high ground when they have absolutely none!

Marxism, Protests, Revolution And Crises

Marx saw a definite place for protests against the current social order and the necessity of revolution. If the graduation ceremony for your child was delayed and your drive to work was obstructed by confused people waving the Palestinian flag and shouting “Death to America!” you can thank Marx! In the Communist Manifesto, an 1848 political pamphlet written by Marx, we read that revolution would:             

…sweep away by force old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms, and of classes generally, and will thereby have established its own supremacy as a class. In the place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

Revolutions produce crises, and crises are destabilizing and demoralizing. Most Americans have had personal experiences with this, especially when some of our cities were burning and blue mayors did nothing but restrain the police.

In his book, Socialism: The Real History from Plato to the Present, William Federer explains “how the deep state capitalizes on crises to consolidate control.” When people are afraid—such as in a pandemic, a natural disaster or an imminent threat of war, they will take orders from the top. America’s shadow government is cleverly operating on the principles of Marx to destroy this Republic.

The Last Call for America to Wake Up!

I wonder how many of our readers have family members who are going to vote for Marxists in our next presidential election? Some people just don’t get it—even professing Christians. Many of America’s churches have fallen so far off the track that congregations are drawn to socialism because they think it is good for a life of peace and tranquility. These are the ones who think Drag Queen Story Hour in the local library is cute and think that gender dysphoria in 5-year-olds can be fixed by puberty blockers and mutilation. They feel sorry for Ol’ Joe and think that MAGA supporters are troublemakers. It’s time to take a lesson from Daniel’s three friends.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were surely aware of the king’s building project. A monstrosity was being built in honor of the king. These young men had already made up their minds they were going to be faithful to their God. Christians in America are facing a very challenging future. Realistically, just as Jesus and Paul spoke about persecution (John 15:19; 2 Tim. 3:12), we could be facing persecution—loss of property, retirement and even our lives. Our answer to the Marxists should be the same as that trio: “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Dan. 3:17-18).

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