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Apocalypse 2012

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Apocalypse 2012: The Ticking of the End Time Clock

Could recently fulfilled Biblical prophecy and significant recent events indicate that the countdown to Revelation has begun? Author John Claeys (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary), a long-time student of Bible prophecy, has keenly watched developments in the Middle East line up to usher in God’s “day of the Lord,” a special seven-year era immediately preceding Jesus’ return to establish God’s kingdom on the earth. As a result, Claeys felt compelled to present a clear, chronological presentation of near-future events described in the Bible in order to help people prepare for Christ’s return.

This book has been written in such a clear format, it could have been entitled, “Prophecy for Dummies,” as those knowing little about the Bible will be able to clearly understand God’s plan for the future by reading its presentation. In addition, avid students of Bible prophecy will be amazed at the fascinating insights offered in this work. But be warned: exposure to this information could be life-changing, moving the reader to draw near to the One responsible for orchestrating the incredible events described in this book.

As one reviewer wrote, “Author John Claeys takes readers on a journey into the near future where they encounter the ultimate battle of good versus evil―of Satan’s king of the world overcoming the prophets of God, of war breaking out in heaven and of the armies of the earth banding together to launch an assault upon God’s King as He comes to the earth to claim His kingdom. . . [This book] is a careful exposition of Biblical passages describing a real, seven-year period leading to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth” (Dr. Earl Radmacher, theologian, author, general editor of the NKJV Study Bible).

The story opens with a brief period in which the world will believe it has achieved “peace and security,” but then “sudden destruction” will occur setting off wars, God’s judgments and a very unique seven-year period which will lead to the return of Christ to establish God’s kingdom upon the earth. This is the first of many twists and turns in this true plot of the future. Surprises include the fate of two prophets who will powerfully serve God, another regarding the incredible and lightening ascent of Satan’s man from apparent obscurity in the Middle East. This will spiral into worldwide rule, war breaking out in heaven, 144,000 of God’s people fanning out across the globe to reach the nations in spite of Satan attempting to eliminate them and the nations of the earth squaring off to battle against Christ Himself at His return. But with all of the surprises and the adventure of this story, it is really about God accomplishing His kingdom plan, even through Satanic conflict and resistance―for the good of believers and for the good of the world. It is a story of triumph, hope and inspiration.

In the epilogue, the author answers the question regarding how soon this seven-year period may come upon the world. With solid reasoning and facts, Claeys begins by answering the objection that we cannot know when this era will appear. Then, as an attorney arguing his case, Claeys lays out the evidence which indicates this period may dawn sooner than we think.

  • Author: John Claeys
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 276 pages

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