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Guardians of the Grail Collection (Book & Audio CD) J.R. Church


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This collection features both the book and the audio CD of Guardians of the Grail!

Guardians of the Grail Collection (Book & Audio CD) J.R. Church

Now you can get both the book and the audio CD of Guardians of the Grail!

In the book, J.R. Church reveals the story behind the developing United States of Europe. His research takes you back through the centuries to view an emerging family dynasty who may soon attempt to establish a one-world government. The framework for a global economy and political system is being set in place. The human race is about to be deceived into accepting worldwide enslavement under the guise of “peace and prosperity.” Guardians of the Grail tells of secret political combines, intrigues, and wars preparing mankind for the ANTICHRIST!

The book is 318 pages of incredible teaching by the late founder of Prophecy in the News.

In the dramatic audio recording, J.R. Church teaches through his book, Guardians of the Grail. Hear the voice of the late J.R. Church, founder of Prophecy in the News, as he examines the Grail Legend and takes you back through the centuries to view an emerging family dynasty who may soon attempt to establish One-World government.

The audio recording includes 4 Compact Discs with the following tracks:

  1. Guardians of an Unholy Grail
  2. Legend of the Grail
  3. The Spear of Destiny
  4. The Secret Doctrine
  5. The Myth of Mary Magdalene
  6. Who Were the Merovingians?
  7. Trail of the Eagle
  8. The Lost Tribe of Dan
  9. Does the Illuminati Still Exist?
  10. Secrets of the Federal Reserve
  11. The London Connection
  12. The Mark of the Beast
  • Author: J.R. Church
  • Binding / Format: Book & CD set

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