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Cryptid Creatures (DVD) Pastor Michael Hoggard


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Pastor Michael Hoggard explores the mystery of Cryptid Creatures!

Cryptid Creatures (DVD) Pastor Michael Hoggard

Cryptids are animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild but are not believed to exist by mainstream science. Are mystery monsters such as Bigfoot, Yeti, Loch Ness, Chupacabra, and Mothman real? What about Dragons and Flying Serpents? Are these creatures mentioned in the Bible? Join Pastor Mike Hoggard as he explores the secrets of Cryptid Creatures.

Michael W. Hoggard is the author of The King James Code and serves as senior pastor of Bethel Church located in Festus, Missouri. He is the founder and director of Prophetic Research Ministries and is known as “The UFO Pastor.”

  • Author: Michael Hoggard
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: Over 4 hours

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