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Fishers of Men: How to Catch Men (Evangelism Booklet) T.R. Moore


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A great little booklet to help you share the Gospel.

Fishers of Men: How to Catch Men – T.R. Moore

This booklet gives a step-by-step plan on how to lead a sinner to Christ. It includes all the Scriptures right before you. It deals with seven life-changing questions:

  1. What is Sin?
  2. Who are Sinners?
  3. Who is the Savior?
  4. What is Salvation?
  5. How are men Saved?
  6. What is Security?
  7. What is Christian Service

After individuals are saved, they need to know what to do next. This booklet tells them. After you lead a person to Christ, you can leave the booklet with them, so they will know all the Scriptures you were reading, and there is a place to sign there name and date.

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