ForeTold: Survivor Stories of the Prophetic End of the World (Book 1 and 2) Jeff Swanson & Scott Young
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A biblical account written as a fiction novel that traces the events of the end of the age and into the Millenium.
ForeTold: Survivor Stories of the Prophetic End of the World (Book 1 and 2) Jeff Swanson & Scott Young
This two-volume set includes:
ForeTold Book 1 – Jesus has returned to Rule and Reign for 1,000 years. It is a time without war and everyone is experiencing abundant prosperity unlike ever before in all history. Children born during this future Kingdom age gain understanding of the trials of those who survived the Great Tribulation Period, Foretold in the Bible for millennia. Follow these survivors as they share their testimonies of experiencing massive disappearance, cataclysmic natural disasters, and supernatural events. They give glory to God for His grace that leads them into the Kingdom age to come.
ForeTold Book 2 – Experience the trials of unbelievers. This fiction novel is based on the 2,500 biblical prophesies promised that will come to pass in the soon future. The saga continues. Follow the survivors that endure the Great Tribulation period. Their powerful testimonies give glory to God as they make their way through ever-increasing natural disaster, supernatural events and political upheaval, as they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and enter the Kingdom to come.