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Study the Scriptures Collection with Michael Samuel Smith (4 DVDs) Michael Samuel Smith


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Four DVDs from Michael Samuel Smith.

Study the Scriptures Collection with Michael Samuel Smith (4 DVDs) Michael Samuel Smith

Get four teaching DVDs from Michael Samuel Smith in this Study the Scriptures Collection. This set would be great for a home Bible study or Sunday school class. This collection includes:

Women in Ministry: Then & Now 

This documentary’s focus is on women in ministry from Bible times to the present. Bible teacher, Michael Samuel Smith said, “My intention is to examine the whole counsel of God and what His Word has to say about the subject. Even though this topic has been controversial, I believe the Scriptures explicitly show the contributions of women as they have a tremendous influence in the Gospel going forward. In this DVD, you may hear some facts you have not heard before:

  • Did you know that the Lord said a woman could vow a vow of a Nazarite, also? (Numbers 6:1-2)
  • Did you know fourteen Bible-times women were prophetesses? (1 Corinthians 14:3-5; 2 Kings 22:14; Luke 2:36-37; Judges 4:1-22; Acts 21:8-9; Luke 1:46-55)

Perhaps from watching this DVD, you will learn a whole new way of looking at Scripture and see how it applies to women as well. God did not create them as second-class citizens, but He designed them and equipped them, also, to help further His Kingdom.

The Second Coming of David

King David is one of the most well-known personalities in all Jewish history. He founded the Judean dynasty and united all the tribes of Israel under a single monarch. King David’s most important achievement was that he made Jerusalem the capital of Israel. In this DVD, you will learn more about David than you ever realized before. Michael Samuel Smith shows you how many of the events in David’s life point to prophecies about Israel’s past, present, and future.

As Smith looks prophetically into David’s life, he explains types and shadows of a seven-year Tribulation, the return of Jesus Christ in the second advent, as well as a millennial kingdom with King David ruling under Christ for 1,000 years. Be prepared to see many future prophecies come alive as Michael Samuel Smith takes you into the story of King David and the Davidic Kingdom that will follow his life.

John the Baptist Forerunner of Jesus 

There are many lessons we can learn from the story of John the Baptist.  Michael S. Smith spent three years researching the life and times of John the Baptizer and found that a great deal about his life is not well known. He tailored this video so it could be used in a Sunday school class or a home setting. It is less than an hour long, but we believe it is still the most detailed story ever written about the life of John the Baptist. Many will be surprised by how much they never knew about this subject. Jesus said in the Bible that John was the greatest man who ever lived What prompted Jesus to say that?

In this video, you will see where John was imprisoned, and actual photos of the palace where he held and executed. You will hear what John the Baptist and Billy Graham have in common. Also discusses water baptism and how it relates to us today.

Joseph in Egypt

Joseph in Egypt is one of the most exciting stories in all of the Bible. It is packed with prophetic golden nuggets from beginning to end. While Michael Samuel Smith was stationed in Germany as a military pilot, he taught the singles class at the Frankfurt Christian Servicemen’s Center, and it was there that he started sharing the Joseph story in 1977.

What would you say if we told you the Rapture, Tribulation and Millennial Kingdom were all in this story? One thing we can clearly say is that this Bible story is NOT from this dimension! Not only does this story show Israel’s past, present, and future, but it also shows a clear pattern of God’s relationship with all who love Him. As Joseph went from the pit to the palace, we have the blessed hope and assurance that our journey on earth will soon be completed, and we will go to our home in Heaven.


  • Author: Michael Samuel Smith
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 4 DVD Set

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