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Freemasonry Symbols Revealed (DVD) Michael Hoggard


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Michael Hoggard examines the meaning of the Freemasonry Symbols.

Freemasonry Symbols Revealed (DVD) Michael Hoggard

In this excellent teaching DVD, Pastor Michael Hoggard exposes the Masonic symbols used in Washington, D.C., and their meanings when used in regular Masonry.

Masonry calls itself a society of secrets, and now through the light of the Holy Scriptures that secret is revealed. Pastor Hoggard will reveal the true meaning of the square and compass, masonic rituals, the lodge, the 33 degrees, and the spiral staircase. This presentation also unveils the masonic ‘Lost Word’ as none other than the Antichrist. Scores of Masonic symbols are examined and revealed in this eye-opening presentation.

2 hours long

  • Author: Michael Hoggard
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 hours

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