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Hath God Said? Holding Onto The Bible in Troubled Times (DVD) Eric Barger


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How we got the Bible, why it’s true, and how we know!

Hath God Said? Holding Onto The Bible in Troubled Times (DVD) Eric Barger

– How We Got the Bible, Why it’s True, and How We Know!
– Answering the Skeptics
– The Authenticating Work of Bible Prophecy
– When it Comes to the Scriptures, It Is Finished!

Eric Barger states: “If Jesus Christ is who He said He was and if He did what history says He did and if He died and rose from the tomb, AND IF HE PROCLAIMED SOMETHING TO BE ‘THE WORD OF GOD,’ then those who claim to follow Him should understand, proclaim, and defend it as such. Since we’ve accepted the promise of eternal life based on the teachings of its pages, we’d best know with resounding certainty why the Bible is reliable, inspired and infallible!”

Recorded live at the Olive Tree Ministries Conference.

  • Author: Eric Barger
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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