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Return to Mecca – Avi Lipkin


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Avi Lipkin reviews the biblical history of Mecca and Medina and the Israelites’ sojourn in the Arabian desert for 38 years followed by two years in the deserts just to the East of the Jordan River.

Return to Mecca – Avi Lipkin

Will Islam be defeated and terminated when the Judeo-Christian West conquers Mecca and Medina? In Return to Mecca, Avi Lipkin reviews the biblical history of Mecca and Medina and the Israelites’ sojourn in the Arabian desert for 38 years followed by two years in the deserts just to the East of the Jordan River. He uses historical texts from Josephus as well from Greek and Roman authors from 2,000-2,300 years ago about the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and analyzes the Bible to show how the Israelites wandered in the Arabian peninsula for these years. Deuteronomy XI and other quotes show God’s promises to the Israelites that “He will give them the lands wherever their feet will tread”, including Arabia. Today’s political circumstances are pointing to the imminent conquest of Arabia and Jordan by fanatic Moslem terrorists who will then attack Israel prompting an Israeli counter-response leading to the conquest of northwest Saudi Arabia as well as Jordan and other areas east of the Jordan River, all based on the Bible, current events and military intelligence.

In Return to Mecca, Avi Lipkin answers the following questions:

  • What role do Mecca and Medina/Midian play in the struggle between Western Civilization and Islam?
  • Are Mecca and Median/Midian referred to in the Bible?
  • Was Jethro a cousin of Moses?
  • Did Moses say to Pharaoh: “Let my people go” so that they could go around in circles in the desert?
  • Are the Phylacteries a replica of the Ka’abah in Mecca?
  • Is Mt Sinai in Northwestern Saudi Arabia?
  • Did the Israelites wander in the Arabian desert for 40 years?
  • Why did Osama bin Laden say the following: “Thus, Israel and behind it, America, killed all the children of the world. And who is to stop Israel from the murder of our sons tomorrow in Tabook or in Jauf, or in the surrounding areas of Palestine? And what will the rulers do if Israel starts to expand its unfair, unjust and false settlements, which the leaders do declare as such beyond its currently known boundaries and says, “Our borders extend to Medina?”
  • Will Islam be defeated and terminated when the Judeo-Christian West conquers Mecca and Medina?
  • What will be the circumstances that lead to that conquest?
  • Author: Avi Lipkin
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 257 pages

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