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Sons of God & The Nephilim (DVD) Mac Dominick


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Mac Dominick explores what the Bible says about the Sons of God and the Nephilim.

Sons of God & The Nephilim (DVD) Mac Dominick

This DVD will cover the events of Scripture from Genesis 6 through the Flood itself. While some current authors have gone down paths of incredulity and blatant fantasy, there have been many solid, biblical scholars who have taken up the subject matter. In our new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn on our new research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge from others who have remained true to the Word of God and actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary.”

We will additionally discuss the myths of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to gain insight into man’s interpretation of the true events of the final 2 centuries before the Flood. We will also explore extra-biblical information from the Book of Enoch and its account of the Watchers that came from the heavenly dimension to Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared.

The first DVD will resolve the important questions:

1. Who were the Sons of God of Genesis 6?
2. Who were the giants?
3. What was their intention when arriving to our physical dimension?
4. What was their impact on mankind?
5. Can we identify these creatures in human history and/or myth?

Twenty-five years ago, Mac Dominick hosted his first instructional documentary for Cutting Edge Ministries, The Nephilim Walk Among Us. Over the past quarter of a century, we at Cutting Edge Ministries have continued our research and study on the subject matter of the Nephilim. Additionally, while we were some of the early pioneers of this subject, many other researchers have entered the fray to discuss this subject. While some of those researchers have gone down paths of incredulity and blatant fantasy, there have been many solid, biblical scholars who have taken up the subject matter. In our new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn on our new research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge from others who have remained true to the Word of God and actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary.

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