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The Age of Apocalypse Collection (2 Books) Heron, & Church


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2 books that show we are living at the end of the age.

The Age of Apocalypse Collection (2 Books)

This collection features three books that show we are living in the season of the soon return of Jesus Christ.

Apocalypse Soon: The Beginning of the End – Patrick Heron

When it was written, approximately 30% of the Bible’s content was prophetic. Today, nearly all of these prophecies have become recorded history. But a handful of the Bible’s predictions remain to be fulfilled. They are predictions of the End Times, and many Biblical scholars believe the ancient prophecies are abruptly coming true. With the Middle East becoming a boiling pot, Russia’s air force testing US airspace, missile tests by North Korea, the threat of war with Iran and 21st century science pointing to a dire future for the planet – the results are undeniable. In Apocalypse Soon: The Beginning of the End, best-selling author, Dr. Patrick Heron examines the incredible prophecies of the Bible through a fascinating expose on current events. He deftly interprets the signs of the times as signals that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about to ride. It is darkest night. You are travelling along in a fast train full of people. Everyone is laughing and drinking and having a good time. A stranger stands up and calls for attention. When the crowd is silent, he tells them he has evidence there is danger ahead. Not too far down the line, the train will go across a wide ravine. Hundreds of feet below, the river rages in full torrent. Some of the track is missing and the train is doomed to plunge into the flood below with fatal consequences. Before the train reaches the river, it will make one final stop at where those who wish to can get off -then it will speed on to its final doom…” This book contains the evidence. The choice is yours. In Apocalypse Soon: The Beginning of the End, the author examines the prophecies of The Messiah concerning the last years of planet earth as we know it.

You can know history before it happens in this easy-to-read account of God’s warning to mankind. If you want to know what the future holds -read this book.


The Armageddon Syndrome – J.R. Church

The Armageddon Syndrome by J.R. Church is now back in print for the first time in almost 40 years! This revised and updated edition features a new section from the writings of J.R. Church titled, “A Prophetic Perspective on the High Holy Days.” World leaders are infected by a cloud of political gloom spreading over our planet – prompting a former president of the United States to suggest that we may indeed live in that generation which will see the awesome Armageddon. Concerted efforts are being made to bring warring factions to the peace table, but little hope is expressed. The late Dag Hammarskjold, while serving as secretary general of the United Nations, sat as his desk, put his head in his hands, and wept, “We have tried so hard and failed so miserably!” What does the future hold? Is there hope at all? This book sheds light on the darkening political maze facing our world in the near future and reveals the electrifying remedy prescribed for The Armageddon Syndrome.

With a new forward written by James Collins, The Armageddon Syndrome includes:

What Does the Future Hold?

  1. Setting the Stage
  2. The Jews Return
  3. Here Come the Russians!
  4. Four Horsemen Plague the Earth
  5. Inevitable Armageddon

A Prophetic Perspective on the High Holy Days

  1. The Sound of the Trumpet
  2. The Days of Affliction
  3. The Day of Atonement
  4. Unto Us a Child is Born
  • Author: Patrick Heron, J.R. Church
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 Books

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