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Hutchings “Days Of” Bundle (3 Books) Noah Hutchings


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The “Days Of” set featuring three books by Noah Hutchings.

Hutchings “Days Of” Bundle (3 Books) Noah Hutchings

The “Days Of” set featuring three books by Noah Hutchings. This fantastic three book bundle includes:

As It Is In The Days Of Noah

This book is about the “Days of” Noah Hutchings, former president of Southwest Radio Church. It takes the reader from the time Pastor Hutchings was born in 1922 up to shortly before his death in 2015. In As It Is in the Days of Noah, Rev. Hutchings reveals his own personal life, his ups and downs; times of blessings and times of sorrow; triumphs and failures; war-time service; and testimony of 60 years in Christian service, including many missionary tours and journeys around the world. There is also a year-by-year chronology of world and national events that made newspaper headlines.

Romance of Romans

This book teaches about the “Days of” the Apostle Paul. The human author of Romans was Paul, a lawyer and a student of the great Gamaliel. But Paul became an apostle of God’s sovereign grace so that man condemned to death because of sin according to divine justice might be pardoned. While the book of Romans constitutes the greatest legal indictment against the entire human race ever written, this supreme tragedy ends in a love story. God-loving mankind so much that He sent His only begotten Son to be judged in the place of the guilty. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him… Roman 5:8-9a

God Divided the Nations

This book spotlights the “Days of” the division of the Earth. Scripture affirms that mankind is divided into nations, races, and languages according to the will of God so that His purpose for man and the Earth might be fulfilled. The Apostle Paul declared that God not only brought about this separation, but He created boundaries so that the nations would stay divided. There is a growing awareness in the world that the nations are headed toward a rendezvous with destiny. National problems become international problems, and then international problems become national problems. Many experts believe that the human race has passed the point of no return.

  • Author: Noah Hutchings
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 3 Books

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