World Economic Forum 2024 Features Blessings from Pagan Priestess

In the space of one hour during the World Economic Forum 2024, the push for a one-world government, economy, and worship converged. The stage is being set for the fulfillment of the biblical end-times scenario before our eyes. Revelation 13 describes how the one-world government and economy will be used to control all of Earth’s people under the Antichrist’s global dictatorship. According to this passage, the one-world system of worship will be the glue that binds it all together – and this worship will be fueled by Satan.
Astonishingly, the WEF painted a picture of this future. The WEF met in Davos, Switzerland, on January 15-19, 2024 and paganism took center stage during the Wednesday, Jan. 17, forum on “Climate and Nature.” As the hourlong session came to a close, a pagan priestess was asked to perform a ritual for Earth’s spiritual healing. During this forum on climate change, the panelists proposed Marxist solutions to solve Earth’s alleged climate crisis, as they emphasized the need for a global economy and government.
With their fear-based and guilt-driven messaging on full display, this forum called upon world leaders to significantly transform how they do business so that Earth can be saved. “Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate: extreme weather, pollution, drought, floods, disease. These are not just affecting Earth, but our health, our well-being, our ability to survive,” proclaimed an opening video. Managing Director of the WEF Gim Huay Neo opened the session by warning that Earth is approaching a climate “tipping point” – a point of no return. She predicts that the world will soon experience unparalleled natural catastrophes unless drastic measures are taken.
True to form, the panelists recommended Marxist solutions to solve the alleged climate crisis. André Hoffmann, a Swiss billionaire, suggested that Earth needs to “reconstruct the economy and system… New technologies would allow us to distribute riches around the place, and we must seize that opportunity.” Adorned with his U.N. Agenda 2030 lapel pin, he expressed his pessimism about Earth’s future unless drastic measures were taken to change the global economic structure.
Mark it down, as the world approaches 2030, we will witness perhaps the strongest push toward global Marxism that the world has ever witnessed. Climate change is the vehicle of choice to drive the message home and propel people into surrendering their freedoms to save planet Earth.
As Hoffmann ended his statement, Neo introduced Chief Putany of the Yawanawá tribe. This tribe is located in the Amazon region of northwest Brazil. Before beginning her ritual, Chief Putany said through a translator, “The healing is within us. Our spirituality, it’s within an alliance and the union, unity of our thoughts.”
“We count on you,” she said while looking to the panel seated on the stage, “all the people so that we may unite, hold hands and unite our hearts, unite our thoughts, in the same direction, for healing of the planet and the healing is spiritual.” She closed her statement by saying that when our hearts and thoughts are united, “our Mother Earth will listen to us.”
After finishing her statement, she performed a pagan ritual by rubbing her hands together and chanting. She then went one by one to the six panelists seated on the stage and blew across the top of their heads. The six panelists were André Hoffmann; Gim Huay Neo; Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund; Hilde Schwab, wife of WEF founder Klaus Schwab; Jesper Brodin, a Swedish business leader; Ajay S. Banga, president of the World Bank; and Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist from Texas Tech University.
Katharine Hayhoe is a self-proclaimed evangelical Christian, who has spoken across the world in the name of Christianity and climate change. In this particular panel, she emphasized the need for radical, real-world solutions to make Earth’s future more sustainable. She also received the pagan priest’s ritual for the spiritual healing of Earth.
What spirits are the WEF invoking? Whose blessing are they seeking? Certainly not Almighty God. This Satanic spirituality will be the hallmark of the biblical end-times scenario as detailed in Revelation 13. It will emphasize spirituality over religion, saving the planet over saving souls for eternity, feelings over doctrine, and human-centered worship over God-centered worship.
Followers of Jesus must be aware of how our world is swiftly moving toward the biblical end-times scenario. Beware of the wider acceptance of demonic spirituality. Beware of the global conditioning to push the world toward a one-world government and economy. Stand courageously against the march toward Marxism.
This is the time for the church of the living God to shine the light of His eternal truth brightly into the darkness of this world. Be a beacon of hope to those around you. Remember that it is God’s kingdom that is coming and His will is being accomplished right now. His prophetic timeline is advancing according to His perfect plan for the ages.
“The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1).
Watch the full WEF presentation here.