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Bringing Saudi Arabia Down (DVD) David Bay


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The Global Elite plan to overthrow the Saudi government without destroying the world economy.

Bringing Saudi Arabia Down (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films

Saudi Arabia’s brutal dictatorship must be overthrown according to the Pentagon’s New Map Strategy. This war strategy — followed since the 2001 Afghanistan invasion — is overthrowing every single dictatorship in the Middle East and Africa. Already, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Ghaddafi of Libya, Mubarak of Egypt, and Saleh of Yemen have been overthrown, while Syria’s Assad is holding on to power by a thread.

But, how does the Global Elite overthrow Saudi Arabia without destroying the economy of the entire world? Since World War II, Saudi Arabia has been a lynchpin nation viewed as indispensable to the continued prosperity of the Western World.

You will be absolutely shocked to learn how the Elite will overthrow Saudi Arabia and then you will be amazed as you watch this Plan unfold in your daily news.

Once Saudi Arabia is overthrown, the Elite will be able to establish Supernation #7 of the Club of Rome Plan, a required step in the establishment of the Ten Super-Nations of Daniel 7:7-8!

End Times Prophecy is being fulfilled in these events. Look up, for your Redeemer draweth nigh!

  • Author: David Bay
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 1 hour

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