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The Daniel & Revelation Collection – Noah Hutchings


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This collection features Dr. Noah Hutching’s commentaries on Daniel and Revelation.

The Daniel & Revelation Collection – Noah Hutchings

This two-book set features:

Daniel the Prophet – The life, times, and prophecies of Daniel, a man beloved of God. Daniel prophesied the exact chronology for the rise and the fall of nations and empires during the times of the gentiles. He foretold the exact date of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the nations that would be involved in the Middle East in the last days. Jesus referred to the prophesies of Daniel in the Olivet Discourse. Michael informed Daniel that in these days when the time drew near for God to set up a Kingdom on earth that would never pass away, the prophet’s sealed book would be unsealed. NOW IS THAT TIME!

Revelation for Today – The Book of Revelation is the most misunderstood of all the sixty-six books of the Bible. However, Noah Hutchings makes the complex easy to understand in this verse-by-verse commentary, presented from a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational position on eschatology. Noah Hutchings combined his 53 years of study and world travels into an exhaustive verse-by-verse study of the Apocalypse with a contemporary application.

  • Author: Noah Hutchings
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 2 Books

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