By God’s Grace: A Cancer Survivor’s Testimony – Vaughn Shatzer
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The true story of how Vaughn Shatzer overcame cancer by God’s grace.
By God’s Grace: A Cancer Survivor’s Testimony – Vaughn Shatzer
In 2000, Vaughn Shatzer was diagnosed with cancer of the spine and abdomen. This life-changing story will be an encouragement to the hearts of everyone. You will learn how this fiery trial brought the Shatzer family to a new level of trust, faith, patience, experience, and hope in God. You will be inspired by the many testimonies of how God answered prayer; imparted wisdom from His Holy Scripture and gave divine appointments for witnessing. The greatest lesson the Shatzer family learned was God’s grace is sufficient in all trials, even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
About the author: Prior to receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, Vaughn Shatzer was a lead guitarist with a rock band and lived a lifestyle associated with that role. In 1980, God miraculously brought him out of that horrible pit, set his feet upon a rock, established his goings, and put a new song in his mouth. With an intense burden for lost souls, personal revival among Christians, and returning our godly heritage to America, Mr. Shatzer formed “Word of Prophecy Ministries” in 1997. Vaughn’s desire is to glorify God by being a spirit-filled husband and father, to win souls to Jesus Christ, to mature and edify the body of Christ for the work of the ministry, and to be a part of an old-fashioned Holy Ghost revival that would bring America back to God (2 Chronicles 7:14).