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Rebuilding the Tower of Babel – Mac Dominick

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Mac Dominick reveals how the Christian Church is being deceptively led into the Laodicean Age.


Rebuilding the Tower of Babel – Mac Dominick

Shockingly, Rick Warren used the infamous Tower of Babel as his major symbol of his 2004 “40 Days of Community” program! For 2000 years, Christian preachers and teachers have properly understood that the “Tower of Babel” was man’s supreme early effort to build a global government, economy and religion in direct opposition to the God of the Bible. The Tower of Babel was dedicated to the many gods of the Babylonian Religion, but the upper-most statute was to be the god, “Bel- Merodach!” Yet, this symbol was used to represent an agenda to build a global community of churches!

In the late 20th Century the Tower of Babel became the symbol of the European Union, thus becoming the major icon of the Luciferian New World Order. Since that time, other programs have blossomed from the church growth movement at large which contain underlying doctrines of Eastern Religions, New Age beliefs, and even elements of Witchcraft. This book reveals the details as to how the Christian Church is being deceptively led into the Laodicean Age.


  • Author: Mac Dominick
  • Binding / Format: Paperback
  • Pages / Runtime: 159 pages

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