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The Errors of the Emergent Church (DVD) Eric Barger


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Eric Barger exposes of the philosophy, doctrines, and leaders of the Emmergent Church movement.

The Errors of the Emergent Church (DVD) Eric Barger

Today, in an effort to redefine Christianity, alarming numbers of popular yet apostate “evangelical” leaders known as “The Emerging Church Movement” are abandoning historic and biblical standards.

This unscriptural, even deadly movement is part of the predicted “great falling away” of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as Emergent leaders now proclaim that the Church has failed in its mission, that doctrine is irrelevant and that the very basis of Christian thinking has always been faulty. In this seminar, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

Live Seminar Presentation

  • Author: Eric Barger
  • Binding / Format: DVD

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