Daniel the Prophet – Noah Hutchings
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Rev. Noah Hutchings unlocks the secrets of the prophecies of Daniel in this end-times book.
Daniel the Prophet – Noah Hutchings
This life, times, and prophecies of Daniel, a man beloved of God.
Daniel prophesied the exact chronology for the rise and the fall of nations and empires during the times of the gentiles. He foretold the exact date of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the nations that would be involved in the Middle East in the last days. Jesus referred to the prophesies of Daniel in the Olivet Discourse. Michael informed Daniel that in these days when the time drew near for God to set up a Kingdom on earth that would never pass away, the prophet’s sealed book would be unsealed. NOW IS THAT TIME!
We live in the most apocalyptic times the world has ever seen. Problems of unbelievable magnitude are leading the human race to the brink of tragedy. Fortunately, none of this has caught God by surprise. He has given the Prophetic Scriptures for our guidance, as well as well our consolation. One of the great prophetic books of the Bible is the book of Daniel. But as one begins to study the book, anxiously looking for guidance and understanding, the reader comes across some puzzling and sometimes bewildering statements on the sacred page. Noah Hutchings has updated and expanded edition of Daniel The Prophet: a comprehensive examination of the prophecies concerning the historical and future gentiles world empires will give you the tools and understanding that will help you engage in your own adventure of faith and discovery in the Book of Daniel. –Dr. Larry Spargimino
The book Daniel the Prophet, by Noah W. Hutchings is such an easy book to read and to understand, even for a new Christian. It is written as though the reader is having a one on one conversation with Dr. Hutchings. I have the feeling after reading this book that i just had a history lesson on Bible prophecy. –Janice Cheek
This is a great easy to read and understand book on prophecy. This book would be good to teach from in Sunday School class or in prophecy study groups. –Edward G Webber III