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Voice of Temperance (Audio CD) Dr. Sam Morris


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Two classic radio messages on the evils of alcohol from Dr. Sam Morris.

  • SKU: X963
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Voice of Temperance (Audio CD) Dr. Sam Morris

Dr. Sam Morris was a nationally known minister, radio speaker, temperance lecturer, prohibition leader, and business executive. He is now recognized as the foremost temperance campaigner in America. He spoke against liquor to more people over the radio and in person than probably any one else in the history of the temperance movement. His speeches attracted great crowds. He spoke to 4,000 people in Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.; to 5,000 people in the municipal auditorium in Birmingham, Alabama; and to 10,000 people on a Sunday afternoon in the American Legion Park at Owensburg, Kentucky. Church auditoriums all over the nation filled to overflowing with enthusiastic audiences which thrilled to his unanswerable logic, his biting sarcasm, his wit, his humor, and his oratorical and dramatic denunciation of the greed, corruption, wreck and ruin fostered by the liquor traffic.

These two audio messages were delivered on the radio back in the late 1950s or early 1960s:

What Does the Bible Say About Beverage Alcohol?
In this message Dr. Morris shows 6 thing: First, that the Bible encourages total abstinence from the use of beverage alcohol; second, that the Bible pronounces dire woes upon the users of strong drink; third, that the Bible gives historical example after historical example of the sin, shame, folly, disgrace and death associated with the use of beverage alcohol; fourth, Paul’s admonition to Timothy to drink wine for his “stomach’s sake” and the Bible story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding supper cannot be used as Biblical justifications for the beverage use of alcohol and the support of the liquor traffic; fifth, that drunkenness is listed by the Bible in the same category with adultery, fornication, extortion, idolatry, stealing, murder and covetousness that consign men to hell; and sixth, that the hope of the drunkard is cleansing, sanctification, justification and regeneration through the name of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Ravages of Rum
This is a hard hitting condemnation of liquor drinking based upon the Bible admonition “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise,” — Proverbs 20:1. In this message Dr. Morris calls attention to character after character in the Bible, in history, in politics, in literature, on stage and screen, and from every day walks of life that reinforces the fact that the drinking of beverage alcohol is followed by sin, sorrow, disgrace, dishonor and death. He concludes with a quotation from Evangeline Booth who went around the world gathering up the broken bits of humanity from the gutters of the globe.


  • Author: Sam Morris
  • Binding / Format: CD

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